Category: KevinMD

Are scribes the solution to our documentation woes?

In response to the increasing burdens of administrative work and cumbersome charting levied upon healthcare providers in recent years, medical scribes have been touted as a potential solution for streamlining the documentation process.  Interest in the…

A clinician’s guide to microbiome testing

The intestinal microbiota, also commonly known as the ‘‘gut microbiome’’ is integral to human physiology and has wide-ranging effects on the development and function of the immune system, energy metabolism and even nervous system activity. There is a l…

Treating the patient’s body is not synonymous with treating the patient

We recently had a patient who arrived on our service in the intensive care unit after a complicated surgery. The surgery left him close to dying, and he was immediately put on life support and given heavy sedatives. Ventilators breathed for him. Specia…

The troubling questions surrounding telemedicine

What I’m about to tell you is based on good insider information. But I also disclose that this is an amalgamation of a few reports of teledoc companies to me and their crony insurance companies, not a thorough analysis of the entire industry. I just as…

A physician moving back and forth along the Teflon spectrum

I guess I should take it as a compliment when patients come to see me after visiting a specialist and ask me a bunch of difficult specialty-related questions. “Did you ask the specialist that?” I typically ask, and the answer will be a plain “no.” I’ve…

How to foster and encourage genuine, curious learning in a medical student

I just had a conversation with a physician and faculty member at my school. He started the conversation like this: “It’s alright if you disagree with me, and I can disagree with you too. Good academic discourse should allow people to disagree with each…

8 tips to help you conquer your toughest obstacle

How often do we face a physical or mental feat that we’ve always wanted to do, but never seemed to be able to complete successfully? I had a physical feat that I wanted to do my entire life, and this year, at age 56, I finally succeeded. I can still pi…

The key to successful rounding

A wonderful senior resident helped me understand the goal of rounding.  Rounds should focus primarily on understanding the key problems and the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to those problems.  She suggested that some rounds spend too much time…

6 ways to ensure you’re not accepting a terrible health care job

This article is sponsored by Careers by What makes any particular job a “bad” one? Maybe the pay is too low. Perhaps the hours don’t work with your other commitments. It could be the commute is too long, or the opportunity for …

MKSAP: 82-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s disease

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. An 82-year-old woman is seen for follow-up evaluation of Alzheimer disease. Since her last visit 12 weeks ago, she has been taking rivastigmi…