Category: KevinMD

Traditional academia is not dying. It’s evolving.

“Tradition” comes from the Latin word tradere, meaning to “transmit” or “hand over.” In contrast, the word “academia” is derived from the Latin phrase acadēmīa (Greek: Ἀκαδημία or Akadēmía), which refers …

Thriving as a doctor: Why I still love my medical practice amidst burnout fears

I have always felt that I was in the mainstream of medical thought and actions. Recently, however, I have been subjected to a barrage of articles on physician burnout, depression, and even suicide! I am happy to be working in my medical practice. What …

The flaw with medical malpractice litigation

There is a serious flaw in medical malpractice litigation, and it is not what you may think. My post about a hypothetical medical malpractice case is not hypothetical but emblematic of the flaw. Medical staff at a major hospital in Washington, DC, did …

Catholic hospitals in America [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us for an episode featuring Patricia A. Gabow, a nephrologist, as she discusses her book, The Catholic Church and Its Hospitals: A Marriage Made in Heaven? Patrician …

How to ensure you receive a proper Alzheimer’s screening [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us for an insightful discussion with Carol Steinberg, a journalist and patient advocate, as we explore the critical issues surrounding Alzheimer’s disease and c…

Why physicians should consider investing in residential assisted living homes

As a physician, you are accustomed to thinking about the future and planning for the well-being of your patients. However, have you considered applying the same foresight to your financial future? Investing in residential assisted living (RAL) homes is…

Navigating life’s transitions: How I turned my struggles into support

I’ve historically struggled with graduations and transitions—it’s why I help people with transitions now, as I’ve learned how essential it is to have support during these often isolating and destabilizing times. While transitions can …

Battling aplastic anemia: my journey with ATGAM equine therapy

This paper is written from the author’s perspective after receiving ATGAM equine immunotherapy for the treatment of aplastic anemia. This journey began in 2017 with the diagnosis of T-cell lymphocytic leukemia without having achieved remission. T…

Historical trauma in ethnic health disparities [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We explore the complex factors contributing to ethnic health disparities in the United States with our guest, Melody T. McCloud, an obstetrician-gynecologist who was besto…

From medical student to intern: Embrace your inner artist

“A message to the new generation of interns: you’re not just a doctor—you’re an artist, too.” It’s the first day of residency. You enter the hospital, trying to recall basic medicine after months away from patient care. Go…