Category: KevinMD

Retirement from medicine is more healthy than the way this physician used to live

It must have been about a decade ago.  It was another snowy day like today.  I awoke at the break of dawn, and rushed out the door to the hospital that was several miles away.  Leaving so early in the morning, the expressways hadn’t even been plowed ye…

Is social media a friend or foe of science?

An opinion piece published in JAMA suggests the latter: “Protecting the Value of Medical Science in the Age of Social Media and ‘Fake News’” The authors argue social media poses a threat to science in several ways: Unfettered pu…

The patient-doctor relationship: Eroded by the opioid epidemic but essential to overcoming it

The opioid epidemic has swept through communities across the country, and according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse more than 115 people in the U.S. die every day after overdosing on opioids. This crisis is dominating the headlines as physician…

AEDs save lies: Why more people should know how to use them

Did you know that over 300,000 people a year visit a doctor for symptoms of anaphylaxis — yet, thankfully, between 1999-2010 only 2,458 died from anaphylaxis? Compare that with the fact that each year anywhere between 180,000 to 450,000 people in the U…

How doctors can distinguish themselves in a data-driven world

When I was in medical school, I didn’t realize the potential data would have in health care. Back then I learned from 1000+ page hardcover textbooks and handwrote notes in paper medical records. Fast forward twenty years — data and analytics are …

Genuine empathy goes a long way

Not including residency, I have been caring for patients for five years. But was I really caring about them? We all took the oath to do no harm. We all began our journey into medicine with intentions to make a difference in patient’s lives. But sometim…

Are scribes the solution to our documentation woes?

In response to the increasing burdens of administrative work and cumbersome charting levied upon healthcare providers in recent years, medical scribes have been touted as a potential solution for streamlining the documentation process.  Interest in the…

A clinician’s guide to microbiome testing

The intestinal microbiota, also commonly known as the ‘‘gut microbiome’’ is integral to human physiology and has wide-ranging effects on the development and function of the immune system, energy metabolism and even nervous system activity. There is a l…

Treating the patient’s body is not synonymous with treating the patient

We recently had a patient who arrived on our service in the intensive care unit after a complicated surgery. The surgery left him close to dying, and he was immediately put on life support and given heavy sedatives. Ventilators breathed for him. Specia…

The troubling questions surrounding telemedicine

What I’m about to tell you is based on good insider information. But I also disclose that this is an amalgamation of a few reports of teledoc companies to me and their crony insurance companies, not a thorough analysis of the entire industry. I just as…