Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Tamir Aldad, a physician executive. We’ll explore the rapid growth of telehealth, the impact of venture capital investments, and the concerning trend of overpre…
Health care in the United States is in a state of turmoil. Many Americans are struggling to pay for health care. Even if they have health insurance, many have to pay high out-of-pocket copayments and, in the end, feel that what they do pay for is not w…
When I heard about the new AvertD genetic test, pronounced like “averted,” I was compelled to contact the CEO of SOLVD Health, the maker of AvertD, and ask him to answer some of my questions. To my surprise, he was willing to do so, and her…
Intriguing question: What is one word that can free us? You might think it is love. Love is so powerful in lifting shame, sadness, and loneliness, but that’s not the kind of freedom I’m referring to. Instead, I’m referring to the free…
Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Ron M. Aryel, a pediatrician whose journey challenges conventional views on insurance companies and electronic medical records (EMRs). Ron shares his remarkable story…
There are few things in a doctor’s life more exciting and overwhelming at the same time than finding your first job out of training and *gulp* negotiating your first employment contract. For many people, not just doctors, talking about how much m…
An excerpt from Narrative Medicine: Harnessing the Power of Storytelling through Essays. I work for an organization that manages the medical and mental health needs of children and adults who are severely and persistently ill. Typical diagnoses in the …
Treatment plans are crucial to a behavioral health practice as they can help improve client outcomes. Setting mental health treatment plan goals and objectives is a crucial aspect of the process, and providers and their clients need to work together in…
Modern medicine often fails to effectively manage complex chronic conditions. Physicians are often constrained by tightly packed clinic schedules, leaving only brief windows of time for each patient encounter. While this setup may allow for basic diagn…
Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join medical student Elizabeth Picazo to explore the intersection of health care and politics. Elizabeth shares her insights on the implications of Proposition F in San Fr…