Category: KevinMD

The price of being a compassionate doctor is often worth it

Watching patients suffer and die is not an easy thing to do. Left unchecked, I don’t think most front-line doctors would last too long immersed in that kind of setting.  First, the emotional toll would be too high to maintain over a long period of time. Second, working at the extremes of emotion doesn’t allow […]

The foundation of medicine is love

What do you think of when you hear the word medicine? Perhaps it includes doctors, nurses, pills, prescriptions, operations, surgery, wounds, illness and disease, curing and healing, science, study, university? But whatever your picture of medicine — does it include love? Continue reading … Your patients are rating you online: How to respond. Manage your […]

Medical office design matters

Fresh out of residency and having just turned 29 years old, I started my first job as a general pediatrician in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. One of the first official tasks of my new position involved picking out brand new office furniture for my private windowed office which was housed along the perimeter of the […]

6 things wrong with hospital medicine

In 2002, when I began my first hospitalist job, I was a dyed-in-the-wool hospital medicine convert, convinced that the transfer of inpatient care to true specialists in hospital medicine (hospitalists) would dramatically improve the quality and efficiency of inpatient care, increase patient satisfaction and decrease costs. By 2008, I had developed serious doubts, which prompted […]

KevinMD Fall 2018 speaking appearances: MGMA18 featured speaker, CAP18, Pri-Med keynotes

I’m so excited to appear in several prestigious events this Fall. On Tuesday, October 7, 2018, I’ll be a featured speaker at MGMA18.  (You can receive $200 off your registration with promo code KEVINMD.) On Sunday, October 21, 2018, I will keynote CAP18, the annual conference of the College of American Pathologists.  Please listen to […]

A physician’s return to the ivory tower

I started internship July 1, 2008, as a terrified 25-year-old blank slate. Most days started with a combination of nausea and dread as I pumped myself up in the resident parking lot — conveniently located a mere 1/2 mile from the entrance to the ivory tower I called home. The days were long. The nights […]

How and why to treat sleep disturbance from depression

One of the aspects of depression that’s particularly difficult is the sleep disturbance which accompanies it and often continues after the traditional symptoms of depression have finally gotten better. When studied in the laboratory, the sleep of depressed person is short, shallow (with less deep slow-wave sleep), and frequently interrupted by awakenings. Additionally, there are […]

The one patient that drives physicians to burnout

We all have that one patient. That one patient who can always find a way to turn a good day bad, who just knows how to push your buttons in all the wrong ways. Who’s that patient for me? Let’s just call him Elton Reed. Oh, Mr. Reed … where to begin with him? When […]

The one patient that drives physicians to burnout

We all have that one patient. That one patient who can always find a way to turn a good day bad, who just knows how to push your buttons in all the wrong ways. Who’s that patient for me? Let’s just call him Elton Reed. Oh, Mr. Reed … where to begin with him? When […]

An immigrant physician’s journey

My name is Dr. Uchenna Umeh, and I am an immigrant (physician). As far back as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be an architect. My journey to becoming a physician started somewhat as a dare. I was born in Nigeria, the first child of six children from middle-class parents. My father served in […]