Category: KevinMD

Is there a case against shared decision making?

In a matter of less than a decade, “shared decision-making” (SDM) has emerged as the uncontested principle that must inform doctor-patient relationships everywhere.  Consistently lauded by ethicists and medical academics alike, it has attracted the attention of the government which is now threatening to penalize doctors and patients who do not participate in SDM prior […]

MKSAP: 55-year-old woman with an eating disorder

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 55-year-old woman is evaluated for a new-patient visit. Medical history is significant for an eating disorder. Although she has maintained a normal weight for the past 20 years, she notes that prior to that time her weight would fluctuate in […]

Balancing stewardship and entitlement in health care

Today’s news is full of commentary about work requirements for Medicaid. Is work a prerequisite for health care or is health a prerequisite for work? Not to complicate things, but can we even agree on what health care is? I don’t think we can, and it largely falls back on what we want to share […]

What type of returns should you expect from the stock market in the future?

No one can predict the future, but when making projections for things like retirement planning, what investment return should you expect? What do we mean by “investment return?” Before we get into the numbers, we need to go through a few definitions. Nominal returns vs. real returns These are just fancy words for before-inflation and […]

A return to the problem-oriented SOAP note

CMS is changing note requirements, among other changes.  Bob Doherty has a wonderful summary: “Medicare’s historic proposal to change how it pays physicians.” As always, we really will have a difficult time sorting out the unintended consequences of these changes, but they certainly seem like a move in the proper direction.  To me the most […]

A return to the problem-oriented SOAP note

CMS is changing note requirements, among other changes.  Bob Doherty has a wonderful summary: “Medicare’s historic proposal to change how it pays physicians.” As always, we really will have a difficult time sorting out the unintended consequences of these changes, but they certainly seem like a move in the proper direction.  To me the most […]

Medicare’s historic proposal to change how it pays physicians

The word “historic” is often used by PR professionals to hype something that is, well, pretty run-of-the-mill.  They figure that no one is going to read a news release that announces “[Name of organization] proposes small change that really won’t make much of a difference.”  The problem is that when something is done that really […]

What is proper work attire in medicine?

I’m a creature of habit. My first activity every day is to read the New York Times. Depending on my schedule, some days I read more articles than others. This week I was away at a conference and found myself with some early morning extra time before the first meeting session, so I delved into […]

Being a commodity takes away the joy of medicine

It’s peculiar, I think, that we live in a time of physician shortage and yet some things remain abundantly clear: 1. Physicians can’t work together to fight, either for their own good or the good of their patients. 2. Like hostages, or abused spouses, they just keep going back for more of whatever bad policies […]

What health care can learn from what’s happening at Target

I was recently doing some home shopping in Target. It was peak time and fairly busy. After I was done, I walked towards the front of the store and approached the counter area to pay. But alas, there appeared to be hardly any manned registers. Lots of people were strolling up and down, trying to […]