Category: KevinMD

The unseen impact of Miami’s homeless crackdown

17th Street – nestled between Jackson Memorial, a major U.S. safety net hospital, and Camillus House, the largest homeless shelter in South Florida – is empty. There are no bicycles or tents belonging to the individuals who typically inhabit the area. …

Mistakes make us better doctors [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us for an insightful exploration of the complexities of managing mistakes in health care with our guest, Josh Schwarzbaum, an emergency physician. Together, we’…

Why the U.S. must urgently address maternal health disparities for Black women

It is no secret that the U.S. lags greatly behind other developed nations in maternal health outcomes. When we hear the stories of women like Shalon Irving, who died three weeks after giving birth and whose pleas for help prior to her death were all bu…

CRISPR and eEVs in the fight against chronic diseases

In one of my favorite movies, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, the original crew of the Enterprise has traveled through time, back to the, to them ancient, city of San Francisco circa the 1980s. It’s all about Earth whales and alien cetaceans being…

How big business is ruining health care

In the not-too-distant past, health care was a local industry. If you saw a doctor, they were likely a solo practitioner. If you went to the hospital, it was probably run by a local religious order or non-profit. Health care leaders and board members s…

Debunking the top myths about schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that is commonly misunderstood. A lack of understanding about the disease can cause people to draw inaccurate conclusions based on stereotypical portrayals in movies or television. Unfortunately, movie characte…

AI, the physician shortage, and other health care trends [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join guest Richard E. Anderson, chairman and CEO of The Doctors Company and TDC Group. We’ll delve into pressing issues shaping the future of U.S. health care, from …

It’s time for more genomics education in nursing

Genetic testing is now the standard of care for common diseases such as cancer and heart disease, predicting risk and enabling earlier and more effective patient care. It’s an exciting revolution in patient care that has far-reaching potential an…

Why do physicians – and psychiatrists in particular – write?

All writers want recognition of some sort. No? Recognition can take many forms, such as positive feedback, awards, or simply the knowledge that their work is being read and appreciated. However, it is important to note that motivation can vary among wr…

Why we shouldn’t trust sleep-deprived doctors: a wake-up call

I wouldn’t trust my Uber driver to drive me after they’ve been awake for over 24 hours. Why would I trust my doctor? Since starting medical school and hearing about the dreadful 24-hour shifts, I’ve constantly wondered why they are st…