Category: KevinMD

Allyship in action: Supporting your LGBTQ+ patients

“Mom, when I walk in the room, all they see is a deviant Black man.” Those were the words my transgender daughter said to me after a recent visit with her primary care physician. She felt like everyone was judging her, and the doctor acted …

Allyship in action: Supporting your LGBTQ+ patients

“Mom, when I walk in the room, all they see is a deviant Black man.” Those were the words my transgender daughter said to me after a recent visit with her primary care physician. She felt like everyone was judging her, and the doctor acted …

Using technology to diagnose sepsis [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Robert Scoggins, a physician executive, as we discuss the challenges of diagnosing and treating sepsis in the emergency department compared to other emergent conditio…

Unveiling the unseen: the hidden costs of health care-associated infections

Many aspects of health care-associated infections are unseen. The bacteria that cause infections like C. difficile or catheter-associated urinary tract infections are invisible to the naked eye. Beyond the financial burdens of additional treatment and …

Medical school admissions: an issue of socioeconomic diversity

For thousands of individuals every year, receiving an acceptance letter from a U.S. medical school is a monumental occasion. The culmination of years of hard work and sacrifice. It is an acknowledgment of academic prowess and ability. This is an indica…

How medical malpractice lawsuits are silencing good doctors

In Gerald Green’s The Last Angry Man, Dr. Samuel Abelman is a general practitioner in the twilight of a career that spans fifty years of commitment to patients. The time is the 1950s, and the place is Brooklyn, NY. The problem is the proliferatio…

Korean resident doctors mass resignation: a cry for change [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us for a discussion on the recent wave of resident physician resignations in South Korea and the underlying issues within the country’s health care system. Our …

The cost of ineffective technology: Why your practice’s tech stack may be contributing to employee burnout and high turnover rates

A recent survey by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) revealed that 75 percent of medical group owners report that work-related stress levels have increased this year. A previous MGMA poll found that nearly 30 percent of medical groups had…

Repaving your path: How clinicians can prevent burnout by embracing core values

Don’t blame others for the burned-out road you are on: It is your own “Ass-Phalt.” OK. I know that sounds harsh. We, physicians and other clinicians suffer under the demands of irrelevant EMR guidelines, insensitive hospital administr…

5 lessons for a better life: observations from a front row seat for the highs and lows

Recently, I had the privilege of being shadowed by a medical student who is interested in becoming a pediatric critical care medicine physician like I am. On the day she came to observe me, we were navigating a busy and heartbreaking time in the pediat…