Category: KevinMD

The many faces of anger: from frustration to social change

Understanding human anger is complex and multifaceted, rooted in a myriad of psychological, social, and even biological factors. We frequently confront personal experiences with everyday people reacting angrily to situations that could be handled with …

How physician groups can beat private equity

As a society, we should all be concerned about the increasing rate at which private equity firms are acquiring physician groups. Over the last decade, private equity firms have invested nearly $1 trillion in approximately 8,000 health care deals, encom…

Forced immigration and the American dream: a physician’s story

My grandfather was forced to immigrate from Japan to Canada in 1910. As I learned, he owned many sake factories in Japan, which were nationalized in a government takeover of certain businesses. Governments do that. The family was heavily burdened, and …

The truth about employee turnover: It’s inevitable (and OK!)

It is a simple idea, but we don’t think about it. Everyone will leave their job, including us. This thought occurred to me as our office was undergoing a painful turnover. I started my private practice in 2020, expecting it to be a small, close-k…

Assisted suicide legislation: ethical considerations [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us as we delve into the complex terrain of end-of-life care and the contentious debate surrounding assisted suicide legislation. Cardiologist Joseph E. Marine offers …

How choosing purpose over design transforms your life and destiny

In our quest for personal and professional fulfillment, many of us meticulously plan our lives, crafting each step to align with our individual preferences and values. This “life by design” approach offers a clear path through the chaos of …

Xylazine: the lethal ingredient hiding in your pills

Xylazine has been found to be adulterating pills in America, and doctors will need to understand this new threat. First, xylazine is not “krokodil,” although it produces somewhat similar-looking skin ulcers.  Krokodil is a pseudonym for des…

I was trolled by another physician on social media. I am happy I did not respond.

I enjoy using social media (SoMe). These social communications-based, user-generated platforms part of Web 2.0 can be a great way to eat up time while scrolling mindlessly through funny posts, “how-to” cooking videos, or find breaking news …

The doctor’s duty: Delivering bad news with care and compassion

Physicians have the unique duty of giving patients and their loved ones the worst news people can receive. It may be complicated, heavy, dark, somber, terrifying, and hopeless. It may also be a welcome, a relief, an ending, and a beginning. It is as im…

A physician’s psychedelic journey [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Welcome to the of psychedelics with our guest, Corina Fratila, an endocrinologist. Join us as Corina shares her journey from growing up in a communist country where psyche…