Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Jillian Rigert, an oral medicine specialist and radiation oncology research fellow. In this episode, we delve into the world of eating disorders, drawing from Jillian’s unique pe…
At my [Resa] first emergency medicine position leading a clinical ultrasound section, I noticed the impact of organizing a monthly educator series. It started out as a fun way to invite friends to visit me in New York City. Win-win: I could amplify the…
The acceleration of new Parkinson’s disease cases outpaces other age-related conditions, and as a result, the patient population is growing quickly. In 2022 there were about 90,000 new diagnoses in the U.S., versus the previous prevailing estimat…
A small, cliquish bevy of nurses was working their way through orientation in the NICU straight out of nursing school. They were happy and thrilled to be accepted into this specialized nursing unit: the NICU. Practicing good hygiene, washing hands up t…
The opioid addiction crisis has escalated into a formidable challenge within the U.S. health care system, causing widespread devastation. The opioid epidemic has not only devastated communities and individual lives but has also inflicted a substantial …
Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Patrick Dotts, a health care executive. We’ll delve into the pressing challenges faced by the health care workforce, including high turnover rates and low employee satisfaction. …
Last week I drove to my favorite trails in Point Defiance Park. The roads seemed oddly empty and quiet, even for “the time between the years” as I’ve heard it called. Perhaps I hadn’t noticed it before, since in medicine, itR…
Every surgeon dreams of the day when they’ll wield the cold steel of the scalpel independently. Of the day they’ll see their name on the daily operating room (OR) schedule. Of the day they’ll be the one leading the surgery team. Of th…
As a lifelong learner who takes pride in self-directed learning, the importance of mentorship has not always been readily obvious to me. When I completed my residency and embarked on a career in academic medicine, little did I realize how important the…
In a significant leap forward for medical science, recent breakthroughs in gene therapy are ushering in a new era of treatment for various human diseases. The field of gene therapy, which involves manipulating or introducing genetic material into a per…