Category: KevinMD

Navigating the art of delivering life-altering medical news [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Emily Schehlein, a glaucoma and cataract surgeon. In this episode, we delve into the emotional and ethical complexities of delivering life-altering medical diagnoses. Emily shares her …

A patient reached out to a doctor, and they helped each other heal

Kim Downey: “Each year, almost 400 physicians die by suicide.” That sentence stopped me in my tracks. I’d been reading all the articles here on KevinMD for almost a year when I came across one written by Dr. Avellino, with the opening…

Senior health care leaders: This is what a psychopath looks like. Please fire them.

How do you spot a “psychopath” inside a complex bureaucracy? It is a consistent feature of bureaucracy. Psychopath doctors and senior leaders almost never get walked out of the building despite years of complaints and truly outrageous behav…

The hand from behind the curtain

It has been almost two decades since I worked at this hospital. This is where I grew up as a physician. After my home, I have spent most of my life within these walls and walking these hallways. The hospital used to have two main buildings, but a few y…

Why Barbie resonated with me as a mid-career woman physician: a reflection for National Women Physicians Day

(Spoiler alert: contains spoilers for the movie Barbie.) In Barbie, a singular scene resonated powerfully with Women in Medicine across the land. You know the one. Shortly after Ken and Barbie leave Barbie Land and arrive in the Real World, Ken venture…

How responsible AI can benefit patients and clinicians

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) is palpable across the health care spectrum, from aiding in early disease detection through image analysis to streamlining administrative tasks. Regulatory agencies recognize the need for rapid integration of …

Create a new, empowering identity for yourself [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Parastoo Jangouk, a gastroenterologist and internal medicine physician. We dive into the challenges faced by business owners and health care professionals in December. It’s a mon…

A surprising resolution in primary care

I normally don’t make professional resolutions, but this year I am making an important exception. Why would I do such a thing? Like most of my evolution as a doctor, it comes from the wellspring of wisdom, namely listening to my patients. I had a…

What films get wrong about cancer – and why it matters

There are more cancer types than there are organ systems, but, according to Hollywood, there is essentially just “Cancer.” Capital C. Period. Cancer-inflicted characters on the silver screen also primarily face just one outcome: death. This…

A dementia patient’s poignant return to childhood

I recently watched an Indian movie called The Three of Us, which revolves around a woman named Shelujah. She is in her late 30s, very charming, traditional, and intelligent. She works as a marriage counselor, leading a happy married life with one son s…