Category: KevinMD

The adversarial system in perioperative medicine

It is always assumed that the prosecution and the defense in the adversarial system may be searching for the facts that can then discover the truth. However, the whole truth may always remain undiscovered when the complete facts may not get uncovered d…

A doctor’s tale of dismissiveness and patient harm [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Alan Lindemann, an obstetrics-gynecology physician, who shares his insights and real-life experiences, shedding light on the issues surrounding patient care, medical decision-making, a…

Unlocking emotional healing: the power of EMDR therapy

The therapeutic modality developed by Francine Shapiro and referred to as eye movement desensitization reprocessing or EMDR, when embedded in the context of a wider lens, focuses on specific events and feelings with a view to overarching goals. We beco…

Gene therapies for chronic pain?

Gene therapy is starting to come into its own, and it will change medicine more profoundly than anything that came before. Just like when antibiotics were discovered almost exactly a century ago, we are on the cusp of another revolution in medicine. On…

Why private practice doctors are vital

“The sustenance of private practice doctors, like the survival of small bakeries amidst the sprawling dominion of retail giants, nurtures a tapestry of diverse health care providers, ensuring that patients have access to a symphony of medical opt…

From OB/GYN to self-compassion: a physician’s tale of transformation

An excerpt from The Birth of Joy: A Female Physician’s Healing Journey through Childhood Trauma, Midlife Burnout, and the Rediscovery of Passion and Purpose. As an OB/GYN, I had found my calling. I loved delivering babies, performing surgery, and…

Travel’s hidden health risks [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Tami Burdick, a patient advocate and the author of Diagnosis Detective: Curing Granulomatous Mastitis. We delve into the world of travel, uncovering hidden health and safety risks ofte…

EMDR therapy: From walk to wonder, unmasking trauma’s secrets

In 1987, Francine Shapiro went for a walk and discovered eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) as a therapeutic technique for traumatic experiences with lasting impact. Some thirty years later, with a substantial body of research confirming …

Maximizing health care efficiency: Harnessing the power of personality diversity

The impact of personality in health care The health care sector’s success hinges on the diverse personalities within its workforce. Embracing this diversity, particularly the dynamics of introversion and extroversion, is not just beneficial for p…

Clinicians and management at odds in health care

In a survey conducted by a University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing team led by Linda Aiken, PhD, RN, of 21,050 physicians and nurses at 60 hospitals, it was found that more than 40 percent of clinicians were not confident that hospital management …