Category: KevinMD

I quit: resignations that helped heal my soul

Have you ever found yourself trapped in a job that seemed to suffocate your spirit? The kind of place where stepping through the doors invoked an overwhelming sense of dread, and encountering management left you feeling like your kindness and loyalty w…

Caring at a cost: workplace violence and my exit from nursing

In 2013, I graduated with a BSN, drawn to nursing by a love for science and a passion for helping others. The promise of good pay, job security, and growth opportunities was a marketing pitch so convincing I never thought to question it. Before my firs…

Navigating controversy: dialectics in conflict resolution [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! We’re joined by Jill Wener, an internal medicine physician, as we delve into the transformative concept of dialectics. Join us for an exploration of how dialectical thinking can help …

How gender and race deepen the cancer care divide

In 2023, roughly 2 million people will have been diagnosed with some form of cancer, and while cancer can affect everyone, it does not affect everyone equally. Women – especially women of color and women with lower socioeconomic standing – often face s…

Just how personal should personal statements be on medical school applications?

I read an essay advocating the disclosure of personal trauma on medical school applications as a means of overcoming stigma and taboo often associated with rape and other forms of trauma. The authors lamented that a culture of silence persists in medic…

From timed essays to time mastery: a doctor’s journey through the power of belief

One of my most stressful high school class memories was an AP English class I took during my junior year. Each week, we had timed writings where we were given a specific amount of time to write an essay on a given topic. As soon as the timer went off, …

Domestic violence awareness in medicine [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join medical student Leana Pande. We’ll explore the vital role health care practitioners play in addressing intimate partner violence (IPV). Discover how education, training, patient-…

A call for LGBTQ+ inclusion in medicine’s definition of “underrepresented”

In an impromptu listing of all the diseases his children had, I never would have guessed that the next word to come out of my attending’s mouth was “gay.” As an LGBTQ+ medical student with scars on my chest to prove it, this encounter…

Confusing correlation with causation: the most common error in science

The universe can be a very confusing place. Quite often, things will happen together or one-after-another that will cause even learned people to connect two events as causative when they are not. These misattributions are not just of academic concern. …

A heartfelt plea: the power of emotions in health care

I leaned over the bed’s railing, straining to hear the morphine-slurred words spilling out of his chapped lips. “Make them stop laughing,” he said, referring to the cohort of young nurses giggling around the code cart in the hallway. …