Category: KevinMD

From primary care to Team USA

As a primary care physician, the daily grind can often feel like navigating through a thick fog of productivity metrics, patient volumes, and the relentless pressure of keeping a large health system afloat. Yet, amidst this fog, there are moments of cl…

Big pharma ignores low-cost migraine solution

If you are a fan of pharma, you might want to skip this article. Some pharma enthusiasts will call it a rant. By pharma, I mean avaricious pharmaceutical (a pleonasm) companies collectively. On the other hand, those of you who treat acute migraines wil…

Physician well-being in a corporatized health care system [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Wendy Dean, a psychiatrist with expertise in physician well-being and the intersection of medicine and corporate interests. Wendy shares insights into the challenges …

Shifting gears: Navigating identity and role changes throughout a physician’s career

Physicians dedicate their lives to healing others, often at the expense of their own well-being. This intense focus on professional success can, over time, become a kind of addiction. As physicians progress through different stages of their careers, it…

The hidden dangers of mislabeling pain patients: a medical crisis

I am very concerned about the mislabeling of patients who suffer from pain that is being carried out in a wholesale fashion by some in the American medical community. This mislabeling is the result of the most dangerous combination in the world: good i…

More than a doctor: My unexpected path to building a thriving business

When I was younger, I could not remember a time I wanted to be anything other than a doctor, and I thought this would satisfy all I wanted in my work life. Many years later, I realized I was yearning for a side gig. Based on the existence of more than …

AI to the rescue: a game-changer for physician burnout?

If you’re a physician reading this, the concept of burnout likely needs no introduction. The harsh realities of our profession—long hours, extreme stress, mounting paperwork—have taken an immense toll on clinicians across every specialty. Everywh…

Finding my calling: a surgeon’s path through medical school

September 1974. I was a third-year medical student at NYU. My husband and I, newlyweds, lived in a single room in the med student dorm. Fortunately, third-year students took night calls, so on those nights, my husband had the single pull-out bed all to…

Takeaways from my first year as an attending physician [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join obstetrician-gynecologist Roshni D. Patel for an engaging discussion on navigating the challenges of the medical field. With firsthand experiences, Roshni shares valu…

Once a pillar, now in ruins: the state of primary care

Primary care outpatient general internal medicine is dead. Following a lengthy decline over years of languishing, it finally succumbed to terminal underappreciation and fiscal neglect. We shall never see the likes of it again. As with most good things …