Category: KevinMD

Redefining physician identity [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we explore the urgent need to redefine physician identity in today’s health care landscape. Joined by health care executive Olivia Morris and physic…

The hidden pain behind a smile

(Trigger warning: suicide attempt) It was dinner time at this hospital’s psychiatric unit. They shuffled into the dining area—slippers, pajamas, disheveled, sad, lonely, depressed … and forgotten. Head count. All were present except for one…

Why doctors are afraid to take on insurance giants—and how it hurts patients

Half of my family and many of my friends are doctors. I admire them enormously: they are smarter, work harder, and are more compassionate than any group I know. Yet sadly, they are all wimps. Despite non-stop carping about the dangers and cost of healt…

Why every physician is a leader

An excerpt from All Physicians Lead: Redefining Physician Leadership for Better Patient Outcomes. I Googled the term “physician leadership” and got 183,000,000 hits in 0.45 seconds. There are seemingly endless courses and programs devoted t…

The unspoken emotional toll of trauma surgery: a medical student’s journey

It’s one thing to choose a career dedicated to saving lives; it’s another altogether to confront the harsh reality of death. As a third-year medical student, my trauma surgery rotation highlighted that distinction. For all the patients we s…

From refusal to acceptance: a journey of trust in vaccination [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us in this episode as we dive into the powerful story of “Max,” a patient who steadfastly refused all vaccines despite his well-controlled HIV infection. …

When corporate hospitals cause real harm

When patients go to the hospital seeking help, they are vulnerable and fully trusting of the modern hospital system to do only what is needed and nothing more. And with good reason—patients are well aware of the incredible sacrifices doctors have made,…

How AI is reshaping the anesthesia workforce

“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.” – H. G. Wells, 1945 Many anesthesia professionals will likely recall the rise and fall of the Sedasys platform. Touted as a revolutionary advancement that would one da…

How AI is reshaping the anesthesia workforce

“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.” – H. G. Wells, 1945 Many anesthesia professionals will likely recall the rise and fall of the Sedasys platform. Touted as a revolutionary advancement that would one da…

The progression of women’s health issues in the workplace from menstruation to menopause

It was recently circulated on social media that flamingos are known to lose their bright pink hue in times of adversity, such as when raising their young. This is due to the tremendous energy it takes to nourish their young flaminglets, often at the sa…