Category: KevinMD

An ethical approach for clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic

As researchers and physicians race to investigate innovative therapeutics against the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus, unanswered questions remain regarding the ethics and design of clinical trials. Namely, what is the most ethically and scientifically rigorous…

COVID-19 is a different world for our most vulnerable citizens

I have been a physician for almost twenty years. The AIDS pandemic has been the greatest public health calamity of my career. Global Health Observatory data estimates that approximately 32 million people have died from HIV-related illnesses since the d…

COVID-19 is a different world for our most vulnerable citizens

I have been a physician for almost twenty years. The AIDS pandemic has been the greatest public health calamity of my career. Global Health Observatory data estimates that approximately 32 million people have died from HIV-related illnesses since the d…

Physician financial planning during uncertain times

With COVID-19 well underway and impacting everything from the economy to everyday life, here are a few financial planning strategies during a crisis. 1. Understand your budget. During uncertain times, spending usually reverts to a survivalist mentality…

Even as a pediatrician, I didn’t realize stress started so young

Despite four years of medical school, three years of residency, and over a decade in practice, I was never taught the profound connection between high childhood stress and increased risk of chronic disease. It was at a community event sponsored by our …

In the coronavirus crisis, for-profit health care kills doctors’ spirits

I am a physician. I have worked hard to get where I am in life. I went into medicine for many reasons. The intellectual challenges. Being in a field with lots of human interaction. And of course to help people. I went into emergency medicine because I …

What COVID-19 means for all medical students

Coronavirus is sweeping across the world, cities are shutting down, hospitals overflowing, the economy crashing, and suddenly your cranial nerve mnemonic feels like the last thing you should be focusing on. But while the world screeches to a halt, medi…

Health care workers are here for you. Do your part to keep them safe.

The front desk staff member who checks you in at your primary care physician’s office is 64 years old with a history of hypertension and coronary artery disease. She unexpectedly became a widower five years ago and is planning to work until the age of …

COVID-19 and the Hippocratic Oath

On a sticky summer day four years ago, a class of eager medical students and I harmoniously chimed the Hippocratic oath, binding us to the highest standards and code of medical ethics. As newly accepted and unassuming medical students, how could we und…

From a physician to our leaders

Since graduating from medical school in 2002, I have seen a disturbing trend in the lives of doctors. For years, physicians have been squeezed from every direction. Insurance companies and hospitals are constantly fighting to remove our autonomy. The a…