Category: KevinMD

COVID-19: Social distancing is our responsibility. Vaccines are too.

Our country is facing a national health crisis on a scale that has never been seen before in our lifetimes. The COVID-19 pandemic is unchartered territory—a new strain of an old virus that has so far claimed more than 1,000 lives. Right now, we are all…

What is the role of medical students during the COVID-19 surge?

We are in the midst of an unprecedented moment in the history of medical education: Match Day ceremonies canceled, clinical rotations interrupted, and licensing exam centers shut-down. As the anticipated surge on the health care system due to COVID-19 …

Grieving the end of life experience from an ICU nurse

The image of patients dying in the intensive care unit is changing. Over the phone, family members cry on the other end as I tell them that we are not allowing visitors due to “the coronavirus” at this time. They tell me, “but I help make his decisions…

Where are the medical students during the pandemic?

Not in hospitals. Not in the clinics. Not spending an hour suturing a laceration, so the resident is available to help others. Not reminding the team that it’s the day, and we should consider stopping the antibiotics. Not presenting on the latest…

Our work as anesthesiologists in the post-normal era

Traffic is non-existent. Schools are closed. Restaurants are only offering take-out and delivery. Parking lots at strip malls are empty on weekends. Only a limited number of people at a time are allowed inside the grocery store. Welcome to the post-nor…

The impact a mentor had on this physician

Funerals are poetically beautiful in a way. Aside from the pain and loss that the family, friends, and loved ones are experiencing … those that gather reflect on the life that was lost with joy and maybe even laughter. While in the presence of th…

No time to grieve: fears of a resident physician during the COVID-19 pandemic

I work at a hospital that, like many others, has taken significant steps to prepare for a surge of COVID-19 cases in the next days to weeks. Many of our residents were sent home while assigned to elective services where we are “nonessential,&#822…

Advice for a pediatrician: the importance of having a grateful heart

The coronavirus epidemic has proven to be a very challenging time for all of us.  However, we must never forget the commitment which health care professionals demonstrate every day in caring for our communities, especially during such times of dire nee…

Relax documentation requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced several measures guiding the care of patients during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Another important action that will immensely help the health care workers at the forefront is to reduce the d…

Breaking bad news to patients when they are alone

Today, we got called on a patient in the ICU who recently had a new brain mass removed surgically. The specimen came back positive for an aggressive brain tumor known as glioblastoma multiforme. We discussed his diagnosis and prognosis with him at beds…