Category: KevinMD

How coronavirus will tax already overcrowded U.S. emergency departments

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is already having far-reaching effects on our nation. The stock market has taken a historic plunge from its all-time high. Major entertainment and sporting events have been canceled. I recently took a cross-country flig…

An intensivist’s one-pager on COVID-19

Here is a one page summary of what I have read and seen caring for people with COVID-19. This is a distillation of data and guidelines available elsewhere. Please visit ICU One Pager for the latest version.  Available for download as a PDF, PNG, or PPT…

Incorporate physician well-being into your job search criteria

Maybe you think it’s too early to consider the next stage in your career. Medical school graduation is just months away.  Newly graduated doctors will be making their way to their first rotations in July. Senior residents and senior fellows are thinkin…

Telehealth: Get ready for big changes in health care

The year 2020 might bear witness to a significant shift in control of health care from the providers, insurers, and the government to actual health care consumers. First, it was the politicians, then the tech conferences and promises of 5G, and now glo…

Please listen to the COVID-19 coronavirus experts. Help us save lives.

Sigh. I don’t know how to say this without coming across as a complete a-hole, but when epidemiologists, the majority of physicians, public health experts, etc. are all recommending major social distancing measures in order to prevent the COVID-19 outb…

You are the reason I became a physician

I can smell the wafting aroma of frying onions and tomatoes as I am upstairs, just waking for the day. I am 10 years old, and these aromas are the staple of my childhood. It brings back memories of home. I walk downstairs and see my dad stirring the to…

You are the reason I became a physician

I can smell the wafting aroma of frying onions and tomatoes as I am upstairs, just waking for the day. I am 10 years old, and these aromas are the staple of my childhood. It brings back memories of home. I walk downstairs and see my dad stirring the to…

COVID-19 is exposing our broken health care system. Young physicians will help.

News trends come, and news trends go. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is a news topic that, for the time being, is here to stay. This pandemic has already revealed deeper issues within the culture of medicine here in the United States and f…

Dear medicine: I’m breaking up with you

I’m breaking up with you. I fell in love with you when I was just a child sitting in my grandfather’s family practice office. He put that magical white coat on me, sat me at his desk, welcomed in my first patient, and I was smitten. I grew up pla…

As a physician fighting coronavirus, I am angry

I am angry. I am going to be working to care for patients to the best of my ability. But will continue to be angry. Angry at the lack of resources we seem to have access to. Angry at the lack of testing supplies we have. Angry at the social isolation t…