Category: KevinMD

How big will the coronavirus pandemic be? An epidemiologist answers.

The Harvard historian Jill Lepore recounted recently in The New Yorker magazine that when democracies sink into crisis, the question “where are we going?” leaps to everyone’s mind, as if we were waiting for a weather forecast to tell us how healthy our…

Self-quarantines will lead to health worker shortages

As the U.S. battles to limit the spread of the highly contagious new coronavirus, the number of health care workers ordered to self-quarantine because of potential exposure to an infected patient is rising at an exponential pace. In Vacaville, Californ…

Please tell us your cosmetic secrets. We promise not to tell.

I live and work in Los Angeles, one of the plastic surgery capitals of the world. Quite a few of my patients have “had a little work done” — the blandly euphemistic term you’ll hear for plastic surgery makeovers of all kinds. That’s fine. Plastic surge…

Should we avoid exposing residents to coronavirus?

The arrival of the novel COVID-19 to the U.S., and the inevitability of its eventual spread, raises an interesting question: Should we avoid exposing residents to the virus? Before we try to answer this question, we should start with some important qua…

Should we avoid exposing residents to coronavirus?

The arrival of the novel COVID-19 to the U.S., and the inevitability of its eventual spread, raises an interesting question: Should we avoid exposing residents to the virus? Before we try to answer this question, we should start with some important qua…

Renewal is what we need during residency training

The need for a refreshed perspective on life and practice, a renewed sense of the concerns of our patients, and an appreciation for the subject matter: This is what so many of us need while in residency training. There are rare moments in the midst of …

The right support system makes all the difference for physicians

In the neonatal ICU, a baby dies from necrotizing enterocolitis or NEC.  It’s not the first, nor the last time I’ll experience death during my medical career. Doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, surgeons, and the rest of the team spent the days pr…

Entitlement, arrogance, and isolation in modern-day medical practice

I recently read a medical school commencement, delivered by a physician, that was both inspiring and sadly reminiscent of what physicians should aspire to throughout their careers. This physician relayed how patients throughout her training and career …

Practicing oncology during COVID-19

Being an oncologist in New York, having recovered from the trauma of flooding from Hurricane Sandy and the aftermath that ensued when hospitals were flooded in 2012, my anxieties are now heightened again over the global threat and uncertainties surroun…

What COVID-19 taught me about autonomy

I came back from a family vacation to Italy one day before the first case of novel coronavirus was reported there.  Two days later, the CDC issued a Level 3 travel warning for visitors to Italy.  Eight days later, and six days after returning to work, …