Category: KevinMD

Not only do the worst need love, the best are made better by offering it

I once saw an older gentleman who was mentally impaired from birth. A hard enough blow, he had slowly, inexorably drifted into dementia.  He cut his head in a fall, suffering the ravages of gravity as so many do every day, every night. He was Caucasian…

Dementia is worse when coupled with inadequate preparation

The chances that you or someone you love will be diagnosed with dementia are shockingly high. By age 65, your chances are already at 9 percent. Make it to age 85, and the chances go up to 33 percent. Of course, if you’re diagnosed with dementia, it wil…

Heart of a doctor. Mind of a doctor. Soul of a giver.

Calling. I am awakened by the loud, screeching sound of my pager. I feel my heart race. I look at the clock. It is 3:07 a.m. It’s cold in the room. I am shivering. I stand up quickly, instinctively. I feel the soreness of my feet for a brief moment, bu…

The sexual side effects after prostate cancer treatment

I first met JB* when the receptionist at the clinic called to tell me that a patient was asking to see me. His name did not ring a bell, and on a quick review of my patient schedule for the week, his name did not appear. I went to the waiting room to s…

How serving LGBTQ patients teaches valuable lessons on patient experience and the practice of medicine

As clinicians, our medical training teaches us to categorize and diagnose. But caring for people can sometimes be gray – it’s not always black or white. In 2017, my colleague Dr. Kyle Christiason launched our health system’s first clinic dedicated to p…

How serving LGBTQ patients teaches valuable lessons on patient experience and the practice of medicine

As clinicians, our medical training teaches us to categorize and diagnose. But caring for people can sometimes be gray – it’s not always black or white. In 2017, my colleague Dr. Kyle Christiason launched our health system’s first clinic dedicated to p…

How serving LGBTQ patients teaches valuable lessons on patient experience and the practice of medicine

As clinicians, our medical training teaches us to categorize and diagnose. But caring for people can sometimes be gray – it’s not always black or white. In 2017, my colleague Dr. Kyle Christiason launched our health system’s first clinic dedicated to p…

How serving LGBTQ patients teaches valuable lessons on patient experience and the practice of medicine

As clinicians, our medical training teaches us to categorize and diagnose. But caring for people can sometimes be gray – it’s not always black or white. In 2017, my colleague Dr. Kyle Christiason launched our health system’s first clinic dedicated to p…

USMLE Step 1 pass/fail winners and losers

On February 12, 2020, the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) announced that the USMLE Step 1 will transition to a pass/fail exam in January 2022 at the earliest. This move comes amidst increasing pressure on the NBME regarding its financial con…

The simple step that helped this physician lose 10 pounds

By the time I turned 40, I had gained and lost 40 pounds at least ten times. It started with the “freshman fifteen” plus another twenty-five in college. In medical school, I was introduced to sweetened coffee beverages, and I snacked on pretzels and ca…