Having an ambitious understanding that small private medical practice businesses are the “belt and suspenders” that enable your medical career to approach your elite expectations for your medical career success is only part of your drive to…
AI note-writing software will provide massive short-term relief to stressed-out physicians, effectively disconnecting the quality of notes from personal data entry skills. Unfortunately, after a brief respite from the stress of documentation, things co…
He was only 31 years old. He had a beard and was a very tall and incredibly handsome man. He was a teacher who used to teach the Holy Quran to young children in a faraway village in Punjab. He used to offer his prayers regularly. He did not go to schoo…
Language is a powerful internal influencer. You use language to communicate with yourself, just as you do with others. Language is the byproduct of what you think and helps create, define, and redefine the way you think. An angry person is more likely …
Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join radiation oncologists Shannon MacDonald and Sean McBride as they delve into the evolving landscape of telemedicine in oncology. They discuss the significant improveme…
In 2024, Chilean scientists reported their findings on interesting research. They investigated the correlation between adolescent academic achievement and eating style. The researchers studied over a thousand kids between the ages of ten and fourteen. …
A doctor in Virginia named Joel Smithers was serving a 40-year sentence in an Atlanta prison when he won his appeal to the 4th Circuit. No, he didn’t shoot someone. That’s probably 25 years. He treated patients in pain. Now, he will get a n…
An excerpt from The Shieling. The sun had set an hour earlier, but the light in the western sky lingered, as if nature itself couldn’t bear the thought of ending such a beautiful day. David stood on the shore, waiting until the last bit of light …
Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us for a conversation with Tracey O’Connell, a radiologist and physician coach, as we explore the hidden challenges within the medical profession. In this episode, we…
Diversity and inclusion—we talk about them. Some organizations have targets. Some even have communication campaigns on them. Yet, in medicine, like many other professions, we lag. According to American Medical Colleges (AAMC) data, “Only about 3 …