Category: KevinMD

Prevent youth suicide: essential steps for parents to secure their home

This blog contains information about youth suicide which may be triggering for some readers. If you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal ideations, please seek attention from your own medical provider, call 988, or text 741741 for guidance and profe…

The heartbreaking decision that taught me the power of boundaries

Many years ago, our family rescue dog’s health began to decline quickly. He was around thirteen years old at the time, so we knew the end was coming soon. If you’ve ever experienced an aging pet, you know how extremely difficult it is to ma…

How psychotherapy can rescue burned-out physicians [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we delve into the critical issue of burnout among health care providers with our guest, Susan Landers, a retired neonatologist. We explore the alarming ra…

The truth behind opioid use disorder

Anyone reading health care news today must be aware that American medicine – particularly pain medicine – is in crisis. Doctors are experiencing high levels of burnout due to administrative burdens, prior authorization demands, and a health care system…

Mindfulness: Beat the overwhelm and find your focus

Does it sometimes feel like you are a teeny tiny person in a world that is so big, surrounded by giants doing their giant people things? Does it feel like, to keep up, you have to do ten thousand tasks? And somehow, even when you manage to complete tho…

Find fulfillment: Reject societal pressures and embrace simplicity

Such calmness, Groundedness, Beauty, Standing tall and mighty. The sense of peace in your presence— Protected, Safe, A patient teacher. No rah-rah, motivational fluff. Quiet, yet confident, Not rushing, Not chasing, Not running around striving. Still, …

From Super Bowl to supermarket: How candy ads shape kids’ diets

A gummy candy shimmies on stage, dancing to Flashdance. The music swells; it pulls a chain and is showered in multi-colored candies. The ad, for Nerds Gummy Clusters, was one of dozens of food ads that 123 million people saw during the 2024 Super Bowl….

Solutions for lymphedema in breast cancer survivors [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Steven L. Chen, a breast surgeon, as we delve into the advancements in breast cancer treatments and the challenges of managing breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL)…

Bridging the health gap: Empowering Latino communities for a healthier future

As an endocrinologist, internal medicine physician, and public health leader, I have witnessed firsthand the health disparities that affect Latino communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has only magnified these issues, especially with chronic diseases, emp…

Strategies for living and coping with invisible illness

I have a handicap placard. I appear healthy, and I walk a lot, but sometimes, the looks I get when I park in the designated handicap space are priceless because I am taking up a special parking spot for someone who is “sick.” “What gi…