Category: primary care

When doctors weren’t needed anymore: a short story

Annie’s brows drew together at the unfamiliar word in her third-grade history lesson. She swiveled from her screen to face her mother. “What are doctors?” “They were people specially trained to care for sick people.” Annie was still perplexed. “What’s …

A story of a family physician looking for work during the pandemic

I never expected to find myself in this position. Ironically, I, a family medicine physician, in a world grappling with a pandemic, became underemployed for the first time since high school.  A unique set of circumstances led me to this situation, but …

An outdated law is limiting our coronavirus response

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to expose shortcomings in our health care system, an outdated law in many states limits the ability of specific health care workers, physician assistants (PAs), to deploy and provide emergency care. In Washington S…

Practice social distancing because the lives of your health care workers matter

I was in medical school when the world saw the news of the Zika and Ebola viruses, but never have I seen mass hysteria to this level for COVID-19. No longer is coronavirus what is depicted in a copy of First Aid for the USMLE Step 1, where it says coro…

A family physician is redeployed to the emergency department.

Two years ago, I shared my thoughts on the joy of family medicine.  Two years ago, I was a senior resident working in Ann Arbor, thinking about who I will be when I graduate.  Two years ago, my biggest worry was if I could finish my notes in time for s…

The patient who no-shows

“Your patient just had their 6th no-show, this exceeds our policy limit, please call to investigate barriers to care, also we recommend formal dismissal from the clinic.” The message regarding one of my obstetric patients was waiting when I…

How to practice high-quality telemedicine in the era of COVID-19

My practice received its first question about coronavirus from a patient on January 28, 2020. Though there were over 200 deaths reported in China by that time, no one could have imagined how drastically this would come to disrupt our lives at home. Tha…

The bittersweet post-COVID life for this physician

This week, I opened my planner and came across a list of my goals for Spring that I’d written back in early January: attend a Latin dance festival; get my blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu; travel. These sorts of activities open my mind, allowing me to …

A physician mother embraces the power of “and” during the pandemic

I struggle for words to describe life in the season of COVID-19. Depending on the day, I need at least a few adjectives: “peculiar,” “fine, all things considered,” “terrifying.” “Joyous” and “anxiou…

7 tips for telehealth during COVID-19

Telehealth has come into focus during the COVID-19 pandemic as physicians face an immediate need to reduce exposure by providing care—or at least triage—remotely when appropriate. Under usual circumstances, telemedicine is comparatively low risk. That …