Category: primary care

Nurturing professional identity and maintaining pass rates: an important goal in medical education

The doctor shortage across the United States is coming and has the potential to be painful to millions of Americans. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, by 2023, the country may experience a deficit of up to nearly 122,000 physic…

The weight of it: a pediatrician’s thoughts on how words last a lifetime

Start at the origin. Over two, up four. Down three, right six. Left five, up one. Keep connecting the dots. Everything will take shape. I liked graphs. Plotting coordinates — whether it be for a parabola or ellipse — was always calming for me: numbers …

Why physicians should adopt the roles of guides

The family doctor used to be almost the only source of medical information patients had access to. Now, few people need us to bring them the latest news. It’s there for everyone to see. There’s even too much of it. Today, our role is to help make sense…

What rushed patient encounters are doing to patients and physicians

Research shows that as many as 50 percent of physicians report some level of burnout that manifests as depression, dissociation, indifference, and even substance use disorders. Medicine has become focused on monetary gains by large corporations, major …

When physicians are complicit

The other day I asked myself why do I focus my attention on immigrants when there are plenty of other underserved and neglected populations.  When an opioid crisis surrounds me, why do I speak of a crisis at the border?  When structural and overt racis…

Why primary care will soon only treat chronic conditions

In most other human activities, there are two speeds, fast and slow. Usually, one dominates. Think firefighting versus bridge design. Health care spans from one extreme to the other. Think code blue versus diabetes care. Primary care was once a place w…

How the administrative burden contributes to physician burnout

A guest column by the American College of Physicians, exclusive to The administrative burden associated with caring for patients in today’s health care system has emerged as a primary driver of the loss of joy in the practice of medicine a…

Has health care lost its humanity?

As doctors, most of us went into medicine with a true desire to help other people. What was once a noble profession is now being worn down by outside forces trying to control us. Third-party insurance companies are driven by profits, not by optimal car…

To fight physician burnout, empower nurses

Twenty-five years ago, when I entered medical school, clinical notes were written in paper charts that were filed numerically on shelves. We didn’t have the electronic medical record (EMR), and burnout wasn’t on the radar. In the past few years, this h…

Data has become a four-letter word in primary care

We primary care physicians hate data. Taken on their own, numbers are benign, but when we hear the word “data,” physicians are reminded of a litany of related issues that make our lives far more difficult: checkboxes. Regulatory compliance….