<span itemprop="author">Jay Wong

Author's posts

Ethical humanism: life after #medbikini and an approach to reimagining professionalism

So long as you are trying to fit in, you will never feel like you belong. When the travesty of a “research” publication titled, “Prevalence of Unprofessional Social Media Content Among Young Vascular Surgeons” seemingly metastasized overnight into what…

The war on drugs: America’s secret racist war today

When former U.S. President Richard Nixon officially declared his crusade against drugs, notoriously referred to as his so-called “War on Drugs,” on June 17, 1971, America’s police-prison-profit industrial complex could at best prognosticate and at wors…

You’re outraged by police brutality and racism. OK, now what?

You are outraged. You realize you are part of the problem. You abhor rampant, unchecked police brutality and centuries of systemic, institutionalized racism. It sickens you. OK, awesome. Now what? In recent days following the death of George Floyd and …

George Floyd: Framing police brutality through the lens of an emergent public health crisis

Those who knew George remembered him as “a big man with a heart to match” and a “good friend,” “good person,” and someone who “took care of people.” Tragically, George Floyd was murdered on May 25, 2020. …

When chlamydia became TMI

“Would an STI cause abdominal pain?” someone in a class discussion asked. “Well, when I had chlamydia, I didn’t have abdominal pain,” I responded truthfully. Instantly, the group went silent. “OK, Jay. That’s … TMI,” someone else in the group quickly r…

A vaccine alone will not be enough to recover from the impact of COVID-19: Emotional antibodies against it are needed as well

I was seven years old when I first got my heart broken. I was swiftly rebuffed by my second-grade crush, Brett who, upon getting gently pecked on the cheek by me one afternoon following recess, grimaced and began aggressively wiping off the invisible r…

How a sojourn atop a mountain in Vietnam changed my life forever

As the gentle rumbles of thunder became increasingly sonorous, the sharp crackles of lightning casting out the darkness of night, striking like the angry whips from a scorned martinet, and the torrential rain now cascading down from our awning like loo…

Sex-shaming and sexual physical distancing in the COVID-19 era

We need to talk about sex. Yes, sex. And we need to do it now in the context of all this physical distancing. Recently, hook-up/dating apps all over (e.g., Grindr, Hinge, Tinder) have been using PSA banners and announcements that encourage people to st…

Unmasked: The untold story behind 1,000+ train rides in Japan and face masks

If you are ever lucky enough to find yourself jam-packed like a sardine to the point of being unable to take in a deep breath on a train in Tokyo during peak rush-hour traffic, a truly fascinating sight to behold awaits you. Inside, not only would you …

What 3 years of sitting on Japanese toilets taught me

The first time I stepped foot in Japan was the summer of 2014. I was a wide-eyed, overzealous sophomore at Yale, all packed and ready to embark on a 2-month journey to Tokyo for a Japanese study abroad program that I only enrolled in so that my languag…