Category: primary care

The beautiful exhaustion of primary care

I’ve been reflecting lately because, honestly, I feel like I am—finally—good at primary care. With experience, patience, and, dare I say, wisdom, I experience satisfaction, knowing I can do this job. I’m the real McCoy. Or, in my case, the …

It is literally impossible to be a woman in medicine

A monologue in the style of America Ferrera’s character Gloria in the Barbie Movie (original script by Greta Gerwig). It is literally impossible to be a woman in medicine. You can be at the top of your class in medical school and residency, and y…

The rise of direct primary care in America

Health care and how individuals receive it has been at the forefront of public concern for many years. Now, more than ever, a priority should be placed on discovering amenable solutions to address the incomprehensible challenges impacting this nation&#…

My escape from physician stress

Although I had never been diagnosed with anxiety, my career as a physician has always entailed a high degree of stress, and this has had consequences. The stress of running a solo private medical practice When I was running my solo private practice, th…

Clinical work to new horizons [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join Kim Downey, a physical therapist, David Fessell, a radiologist, and Todd R. Otten, a family physician, as they share their journeys and expertise. Discover their unique perspectives on…

The hidden gem of family medicine: a rural clinic’s triumph

I want to share this good news, but at the same time, I am a bit afraid to let the word get out. Our rural health clinic in Brewster has found a way to keep family medicine alive. My generation of doctors has experienced incredible changes. The interne…

The hidden gem of family medicine: a rural clinic’s triumph

I want to share this good news, but at the same time, I am a bit afraid to let the word get out. Our rural health clinic in Brewster has found a way to keep family medicine alive. My generation of doctors has experienced incredible changes. The interne…

A doctor’s journey through babka and beyond

I couldn’t even describe what it meant to be a spiritual person or put words to what spirituality is, yet I would be facilitating a class for MS1s on the importance of and how to take a spiritual history. I was looking for some thinking space; my…

A doctor’s journey through babka and beyond

I couldn’t even describe what it meant to be a spiritual person or put words to what spirituality is, yet I would be facilitating a class for MS1s on the importance of and how to take a spiritual history. I was looking for some thinking space; my…

The direct care model’s win-win for patients and physicians

As I approach 25 years of practicing medicine in the same community where my parents dedicated 50 years to their medical careers, I’ve been privileged to develop lasting relationships with individuals who have entrusted me with their health care….