<span itemprop="author">Tomi Mitchell, MD

Author's posts

What’s love got to do with it? The emotional toll of the practice of medicine.

In medicine, we are taught to be professional and, at all times, to keep our emotions at bay. While this approach may work for some professionals, it is particularly challenging in medicine, especially in primary care. As a family physician, I have wit…

10 harsh truths doctors must understand to avoid burnout

In the high-stakes world of medicine, doctors are revered for their dedication to saving lives and providing compassionate care. However, behind the white coats and stethoscopes lies a harsh reality that many health care professionals often overlook—th…

The battle of the bulge: The struggle is real

The economic impact of obesity looms large, casting a shadow over both individual well-being and national prosperity. Beyond the personal struggles and societal pressures surrounding weight management, the financial ramifications of obesity ripple thro…

Shedding some weight on the health care crisis

In today’s world, the term “obesity” is more than just a medical diagnosis—it’s a complex issue intertwined with personal experiences, societal norms, and systemic challenges. As a seasoned family doctor, I’ve witnessed fi…

“No” can be a complete sentence

Nope, nada, no gracias, non, rara—they may sound different, but they all mean the same thing: no. In our world of instant messaging, the immediate gratification society seems to have lost the ability to unplug, unwind, and say no to unnecessary demands…

Truth be told: We have a leadership crisis, not a health care crisis

In the annals of history, the transformative impact of a few courageous leaders has left an indelible mark, altering the course of nations and reshaping the face of societies. From the visionary leadership of figures like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mand…

I quit: resignations that helped heal my soul

Have you ever found yourself trapped in a job that seemed to suffocate your spirit? The kind of place where stepping through the doors invoked an overwhelming sense of dread, and encountering management left you feeling like your kindness and loyalty w…

Addressing the health care crisis and global warming

The topic of the health care crisis has dominated the media in recent years and will likely continue to be of great interest. This issue must remain relevant. However, without united action, the health care crisis and burnout may end up like the topic …

Achieving happiness: practical strategies for physicians

Happiness is a widely discussed and sought-after topic. This dream, or the ideal world of happiness, is something many people claim they want but struggle to find. So, what exactly is happiness? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, happiness is…

Painful physician burnout truths

Every week, there is a new article or blog about physician burnout. According to Business Wire, nearly half (49 percent) of U.S. physicians reported burnout in 2023, up slightly from 2022 (45 percent). It’s the same ideas rehashed repeatedly &#82…