Category: Psychiatry

$34,000 to save mothers and their children from postpartum depression

A swimming pool. Most of a Tesla. Not nearly enough to have your kid swapped out during their sham SAT test. Nor would an ICU bill for a stay that resulted in survival — $48,744 is the cost of that. What costs an alarming amount more is the bill the US…

Communities can help women cope with maternal depression

When a baby is born, people stop acting like themselves. Gruff grown-ups make goofy faces at infants. Nostalgic moms share their birthing experiences with pregnant strangers. Shy kids clamber onto strollers of babies they don’t know, just to coo at new…

If medical students are already experiencing burnout, how are they going to survive residency?

My interest in understanding burnout among medical trainees started during my second year of medical school. With Step 1 nearing, I noticed a dynamic shift in my classmates. The growing tension, petty arguments, and constant worry surrounding our futur…

Why this burned out physician turned to meditation

There are aspects of practicing medicine that will always be challenging and stressful, even in a perfect system. Avoiding dangerous drug-drug interactions. Keeping up with the overwhelming amount of new data on diagnostic and treatment modalities. Tel…

How to spot a narcissistic doctor

How is it possible that endemic bullying persists in medicine despite myriad initiatives to improve awareness, mutual respect and medical culture? In some cases, we can blame health systems issues, such as medical workforce shortages, lack of funding a…

New medical students: Here are 10 tips for success

1. Stop comparing yourself to others. You got into medical school, that is an extraordinary achievement. Whatever you have done so far has worked,  you already have proven your intelligence and study habits. You need to trust that you are capable of su…

America’s broken health care system is killing our doctors

In today’s health care system, we as physicians find ourselves frustrated by inefficient EHRs, heavy patient workloads and complex regulatory burdens. Our cumbersome health care system has led to high rates of dissatisfaction among our fellow physician…

Teenage suicide: trouble in a virtual paradise

It’s not just someone obsessed by Columbine.  Last year, a seemingly normal teen was found dead from suicide in a Corona del Mar park. Just a few weeks ago, a young man walked into a local South County fast food joint, then into the restroom, where he …

Doctor, how are you, really?

My longtime psychiatrist died by suicide. It still doesn’t seem real. It’s nearly impossible to accept that someone who had the talent and resources to help so many others couldn’t avail himself of the help that he needed. It’s …

Doctor, how are you, really?

My longtime psychiatrist died by suicide. It still doesn’t seem real. It’s nearly impossible to accept that someone who had the talent and resources to help so many others couldn’t avail himself of the help that he needed. It’s …