Category: Psychiatry

Surgeon suicides: Unveiling a silent crisis

When I read The Guardian article, “US surgeons are killing themselves at an alarming rate. One decided to speak out,” I felt like throwing up. I’m sickened so many surgeons are dying. I’m grateful Dr. Cunningham is speaking out….

Reflections on human suffering

I was in my upstairs office when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs to open the door, unable to see through the opaque window who was on the other side. I opened the door, and there stood an elderly Black man and woman, well dressed, with leaf…

Nature’s role in relieving physician burnout

In today’s corporate health care world, physicians are exposed to high levels of stress in the course of carrying out the duties of their profession, making them susceptible to experiencing burnout. Burnout has far-reaching implications not only …

Kick start your writing with a surprise

One of the most memorable scenes in Goodfellas occurs early on, when the audience is introduced to most of the crew at the Bamboo Lounge. Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) and Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci) get into a tense exchange. Tommy seems to get offended after …

Love in a world full of hate: a beacon of hope

In a world often marred by division, conflict, and hatred, the concept of love may seem like a fragile flower struggling to bloom amidst a harsh and unforgiving landscape. However, it is precisely in such a world that the power of love shines most bril…

Ghosting in mental health

In psychiatry, we are trained to prepare our patients for the end of treatment. Treatment planning focuses on goals and strategies to help the person eventually end their need for therapy and external interventions. Interestingly, even with this antici…

The cost of silence: Dr. Nakita Mortimer’s tragic story

When I received an email from her in March, it was exceptionally helpful and genuine. You could tell she exuded that class president energy and was a true leader. Dr. Mortimer sounded excited for residency to begin. We met each other across the green a…

The future of U.S. health care: 2030 and beyond

What will the U.S. health care industry look and feel like in 2023? If you want to call the U.S. health care a “system” today, what will that “system” look like in the year 2030, and how will it handle the health care needs of a…

Alcohol’s impact: hangovers and health risks

In July, we all got at least one day off to celebrate a very American holiday, Independence Day. If I were a betting man, I would say that many, if not most of you, participated in at least one of those grand old American pastimes: eating hotdogs or ap…

Understanding childhood mental health [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join child psychiatrist Shivana Naidoo as she explores the delicate world of mental health in children and young adults. Delve into her unique perspective on how mental illness can be part …