Category: Psychiatry

Stop saying you “are OCD” if you don’t have OCD

When people (especially women) are highly organized, hyper-focused, and efficient they often label themselves (or are labeled by others) as OCD. In essence, “being OCD” is a superpower that leaves us with clean houses, well-manicured appear…

Inside the psychiatric unit: a PhD’s god-like status, ECT, and the harsh reality of mental illness treatment

PhD, the big man on the psych unit’s eighth floor, puffed on his pipe while listening to the dialogue of the broken, misfits, psychotics, schizophrenics, and bipolar patients. Many were beaten at birth, both physically and emotionally. In this la…

Powerful strategies to overcome burnout and reignite passion in your medical career

Medical professionals have consistently demonstrated high levels of burnout and job dissatisfaction in recent times. This has become a significant concern for the health care sector and the general population since it affects the quality of health care…

Breaking the silence: the truth about mental health challenges among medical students and why medical schools must take action

Medical school can be a challenging and demanding experience, and it’s no secret that many medical students struggle with mental health challenges as a result. In fact, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis published in JAMA, the pre…

Revolutionizing depression treatment: Breaking free from ineffective medications for rapid relief

If you want to know whether a standard-of-care medication will work to treat your depression, flip a coin. More than half of all patients treated for major depressive disorder (MDD), the clinical name for what is typically thought of as depression, don…

Remembering Heather Armstrong: the tragic loss of the “Queen of Mommy Bloggers” sparks a global conversation on mental health

The blogging universe mourns the loss of a remarkable figure, Heather Armstrong, fondly known as the “Queen of the Mommy Bloggers.” Armstrong’s blog, Dooce, was a sanctuary for mothers and individuals wrestling with mental health issu…

Awaken your brain for a happier, more connected life: the key to combating depression and isolation

With the coming end of the public health emergency, our three-year pandemic will be officially (if not completely) over, and we will be left to contemplate what’s next. As much as we’d all appreciate a return to normal, we may be better off…

Finding hope and purpose amidst profound loss [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we speak with Colin Campbell, author of Finding the Words: Working Through Profound Loss with Hope and Purpose. Colin shares his personal experience of losing his children …

The Kentucky Derby: factors that contribute to winning the most prestigious horse race in the world, and what medical training can learn from them

The Kentucky Derby is an annual horse race held in Louisville, Kentucky, on the first Saturday in May. It is considered one of the most prestigious horse races in the world and is the first leg of the Triple Crown of thoroughbred racing, followed by Pr…

Breaking the stigma: Encouraging mental health help-seeking in medical trainees

I won’t judge you for asking for help because that is how I hope you treat me. It took me five years to accept the fact that I needed help. As I pursued athletic endeavors at the highest level in high school and college, my mind developed a twist…