Category: Psychiatry

Not a cheater? Let’s count the ways.

Sexual infidelity is the headline grabber when most people think about betrayals in love relationships. But, everyday breaches of trust slide under the radar and can erode even the strongest of relationships. A small lie about a purchase, a slight exag…

What it means to leave clinical medicine

Not too long ago, a circumstance occurred. I have experienced similar circumstances several times in my career. However, this time, my response was different.   It was like a switch in my brain flipped. I was ready to leave clinical medicine. It was ti…

Self-discovery, health and fitness as the ultimate remedy for stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout

Within the last two weeks, I’ve read several studies pertaining to provider burnout. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I’ve lost count of the number of articles I’ve come across addressing this issue as well as potential root cause…

Trauma and burnout among frontline health care workers

Thinking back to 2020, concerning the emergence of COVID-19 and the first hard lockdowns all over the world. Individuals from all walks of life were frightened, locking themselves in their homes for fear of being infected. Yet, frontline providers and …

Are you ready to hear the truths about perfectionism? [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “Are you a perfectionist? Did you know that perfectionists are actually some of the biggest procrastinators? Yes, really. In theory, perfectionism sounds like a good thing. Who doesn’…

Certainty is a fading flame in a failing body

“You should prepare for the future. Your son will never be independent.” I do not recall hearing those words at their source, but I was only eight when they were relayed to me by my parents. At the time my diagnosis, now characterized as ju…

Less resiliency may heal burnout [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! The word “resiliency” has been lauded, applauded, and buzzed about in talks about physician burnout. When I hear it, I tune out. My stomach churns. I feel sick. Why? Because physicians are …

As we live in fear, there is still hope

Fear. It means something different to each person, but collectively we can all agree that fear can be something that drives us to succeed (fearing failure), causes us to take care of ourselves (fear of poor health), and can even promote experiences tha…

My “dig deep button” is officially out of service

I started my hospitalist shift like any other day. I arrived at 5:30 a.m. for shift hand-off at 7 a.m. A full hospitalist load and endless administrative tasks to complete, the duality of both roles punctured me like a venomous snake bite. I had two fu…

The New Zealand health system in crisis: We need to look after our clinicians

I lay on an examination table while a plastic surgeon surveyed my skin to determine if a suspicious mole should be excised. I joked with him that I had once considered plastic surgery as a career. I knew he still worked at the hospital and fired a rhet…