Category: Psychiatry

Taking a break from medicine: a journey to rediscover joy and purpose

Dear medicine, We need to take a break. I’ve finally realized that this relationship isn’t healthy for me—in fact, it’s borderline abusive. For a long time, I didn’t realize I was in an abusive relationship. We’re taught t…

Overcoming social anxiety: insights into trauma, perfectionism, and therapy [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! We explore the complexities of social anxiety with renowned psychotherapist Jonathan Berent. We delve into two contrasting cases: a high-achieving physician facing perform…

Taglines, chief complaints, and the risk of losing the story

A fellow writer and I were having an online exchange. She said her painting was being interrupted by bursts of writing. She texted, “I’m writing about how storytelling is liberating itself from commerce, politics, religion, and emerging as …

Taglines, chief complaints, and the risk of losing the story

A fellow writer and I were having an online exchange. She said her painting was being interrupted by bursts of writing. She texted, “I’m writing about how storytelling is liberating itself from commerce, politics, religion, and emerging as …

We’re barely using a key resource to help people with addiction

Rachel was making her 25th visit to the emergency department. The wound on her leg from injecting drugs had spread to her entire calf and required a lengthy course of antibiotic treatment in the hospital. The few times she had been admitted to the hosp…

How physician burnout silently creeps in and takes over

I don’t know when the word burnout came into my vocabulary, but I feel that we use it constantly in our health care world today. I always thought I was immune to this concept of burnout. My self-talk was that I was strong and nothing would ever h…

How to run a successful group therapy session

Group therapy can be a powerful treatment modality when done right. Research affirms it as equally effective compared to individual therapy, and the relatively lower cost puts this service within reach of patients who struggle to access behavioral heal…

American tears and allyship: Who is at your table?

In a post-election fog on the morning of November 6, I attended my third-grade daughter’s Veteran’s Day assembly. It was deeply moving and full of the trust, hope, and optimism that we want all children to have. They enthusiastically sang &…

Heartbreaking stories of famous lives lost to suicide and a community’s fight for awareness

Famous artists and athletes who succumbed to suicide: Robin Williams (American actor and comedian) – August 11, 2014; 63 years old. Anthony Bourdain (American celebrity chef, author, travel documentarian) – June 8, 2018; 61 years old. Robert Enke (Germ…

Hero’s journey: Letting go of self-hate and choosing love instead

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned on my hero’s journey is the importance of learning to accept ourselves (our full selves). I couldn’t sit across from patients, clients, friends, or family members the way I wanted to until I sta…