Category: Psychiatry

It’s time to reframe second victim syndrome

The term “second victim syndrome” was first coined by Dr. Albert Wu in 2000.  The definition is “the effect of an unanticipated adverse medical event on a clinician.”  Certainly, the concept is pertinent to what health care professionals experience in …

No one taught us the skills to cope with feeling bad about ourselves

In her book Daring Greatly, Brené Brown says, “If we want to be fully engaged, to be connected, we have to be vulnerable. In order to be vulnerable, we need to develop resilience to shame.” If you’re a physician who is “not good at being vulnerab…

The soul-sucking, energy-draining life of a physician

It is not a secret that being a physician can be exhausting and time-consuming, but do most nonphysicians really know what it’s like to be one? The answer is a resounding no. Television glamorizes the role of the physician and hides the tedious e…

Practicing medicine without a license is illegal.  Yet cannabis dispensaries are doing it.

I look forward to clinic days. I thoroughly enjoy meeting with patients, hearing how they’re doing, and helping them to feel better – even if, on occasion, the only thing I can do to help is to listen. Yesterday was a clinic day. In the middle of…

Avoiding the pitfalls of integrating primary care into community-based mental health centers

Providing primary care to patients with mental illness is a challenging task that requires highly skilled and experienced practitioners comfortable with the full array of biopsychosocial problems with which these patients present. For example, understa…

Don’t yell at me. I’m trying to help.

For many years, I have treated individuals with substance use disorders. I have found this work to be both gratifying and frustrating. Part of the frustration stems from interactions with governmental agencies and families. The families are, of course,…

Stress and medicine: My salute to frontline workers

What is stress? Stress is a bodily response to external pressures. It’s an emotional state that we go through when dealing with difficult situations, and it can have a major impact on our health. When faced with work deadlines, family problems, a…

Film and television continue to depict psychiatrists as heartless swindlers [PODCAST]

“Have you ever watched a movie, television show, or read a book where the villain is a medical doctor? If you are a psychiatrist, you will be alarmed by how many times the villain in these stories turns out to be a psychiatrist. In all fairness, …

Self-care is the Rx we were never taught to write [PODCAST]

“This is our call to action. I have the experience, knowledge, expertise, and deep passion for teaching every medical student these skills. I cannot do it alone. I need you. We need to do this together. I am seeking those of you who are caring, i…

How to protect your resilience [PODCAST]

“Health care delivery will always be inherently unpredictable and challenging. Those drawn to medicine are among our most resilient, but the current landscape reveals acutely a rise in burnout that exceeded acceptable levels even before the COVID…