Category: Psychiatry

A step forward: a way to advance the mental health of health care professionals

On April 26, 2020, the nation was shocked by the suicide of Dr. Lorna Breen, a New York City emergency physician who was recovering from COVID-19 in Virginia. Dr. Breen is one of an unknown number of health care professionals who have experienced menta…

When an attending was canceled by a resident

I am a psychiatrist who volunteers his time on the clinical faculty of the local medical school. This is a role I have valued over the years that has allowed me to give back and mentor young residents as my senior colleagues did for me during my traini…

Physician suicide: We need safe spaces to talk about it [PODCAST]

“Suicide is a path, whether fast or slow, that a person chooses to take because of their own reasons. We certainly can never predict suicide or truly understand it. But with that said, every time it happens, it is a tragic loss of life that time …

My Klonopin withdrawal story [PODCAST]

“Our relationship with Big Pharma is a dangerous, nasty, and abusive one, and it can prove to be fatal too. Benzos aren’t limited to a specific class, race, gender, creed, etc. Many stars have died from mixing benzodiazepines with opioids or ille…

How shame tried to hijack my medical training

Can you remember a situation when shame showed up and tried to take over? Shame is like that opinionated, argumentative uncle who you only see at family dinners on holidays. His mission to seek and destroy any vulnerable, unsuspecting targets. For me, …

Dying of loneliness: the COVID-19 epidemic in children and adolescents

We stood at the bedside.  Our eyes met through plastic goggles and face shields.  Wordlessly, we acknowledged a palpable shift.  We three pediatric emergency physicians staffed our New York City ER that late fall day, caring for the third teen in a row…

To the patient who wants to die: a psychologist’s perspective

I’ve been there. In my first two years of severe, chronic pain, I was right where you are at. I felt hopeless, mentally exhausted, and didn’t want to keep living with an extreme level of pain anymore. I felt there was no point if I couldn’t…

Save the savers: I’m so tired of physician suicide

This beautiful man lost his life to suicide recently. He was an emergency physician and an incredible advocate for LGBTQIA health care. He was funny and bright. He posted almost daily with funny quips, stories from the ER and support for his colleagues…

It’s time to reframe second victim syndrome

The term “second victim syndrome” was first coined by Dr. Albert Wu in 2000.  The definition is “the effect of an unanticipated adverse medical event on a clinician.”  Certainly, the concept is pertinent to what health care professionals experience in …

No one taught us the skills to cope with feeling bad about ourselves

In her book Daring Greatly, Brené Brown says, “If we want to be fully engaged, to be connected, we have to be vulnerable. In order to be vulnerable, we need to develop resilience to shame.” If you’re a physician who is “not good at being vulnerab…