Category: Psychiatry

Schizophrenia: They are on an island of their own

I knocked on his door. It was 8:30 pm—medication time. Jerome slowly opened his door. He was easily over 6 feet tall. Towering over my 4′ 11.5″ self. Naked. Eye to eye with his penis. He chanted, “You ain’t a bitch. You ain’t a ho … y…

Solving imposter syndrome in physicians

“I no longer start every day in dread,” Sheila (not her real name) told me as we completed a six-month coaching engagement. Her statement initially surprised me because that’s not how she described her interest in coaching when we began. She had simply…

Telemedicine reduces the stigma in substance use disorder patients

“The patient is 15 minutes late. Can you still see her?” “He missed an appointment yesterday because the bus ran late, and he’s out of Suboxone. He’s getting agitated in the waiting room, and other patients are complaining…

Misinformation is endemic in our society, but it is not a new problem

Misinformation is endemic in our society, but it is not a new problem. Misinformation passed along with or without an ulterior motive has been around for as long as humans have been communicating. What is new is that digital media allows expertly desig…

Mental health in medical professionals and the power of sharing stories [PODCAST]

“Frontline medical professionals must collectively share what they experienced as a whole. We must piece together these narratives and unearth commonalities to truly know what happened. Just as we must continue rigorous quantitative research on t…

Persistent stressors and resilience: a new way forward for health care communities

A rustling of leaves was heard in the deep underbrush. The hunter froze in place, his fingers stiffening around his bow, poised for attack or flight. He bolted, leaping across the rocks as the cougar emerged, just missing its prey. Not stopping until h…

6 ways to help children navigate the challenges of 2020

One thing we all need right now, especially for our kids, is optimism. Anxiety and uncertainty are part of daily life. Still, there are ways to help children navigate the challenges 2020 has brought us, whether in our own household or our professional …

Mental health in our youngest healers [PODCAST]

“I was admitted to the hospital for psychiatric evaluation and stabilization just after my third year of medical school. Leading up to my episode, I thought I was fine – stressed, sure, overworked, definitely, but I thought that was normal for so…

How to bring joy and be valued while avoiding burnout [PODCAST]

“When I was regularly working 80+ hours a week, and was on call almost every day, I had to admit that something needed to change. I stepped back and did significant research to find a strategy to help coach myself out of constant exhaustion and p…

The truth about Baron Von Munchausen, Munchausen’s Syndrome, and Munchausen’s by proxy

  An excerpt from Medical Myths: A Sceptic’s Journey. The German Baron Karl Friedrich Von Munchausen (1720-1797) was famous for his tall tales. Returning from the war, he described himself riding on a cannonball and even reaching the moon.  …