Category: Aging

Pandemic Erects Barriers for Prized Bloc of Voters in Nursing Homes, Senior Facilities

Voting is a point of pride for many older Americans, and senior living facilities in past years have encouraged the civic act by hosting voting precincts, providing transportation to the polls and bringing in groups to help explain election issues. But fears of the spread of the coronavirus among this vulnerable population make voting more difficult this year.

Lifetime Experiences Help Older Adults Build Resilience to Pandemic Trauma

These seniors use coping strategies to keep them socially active yet safe from the coronavirus.

A Pandemic Upshot: Seniors Are Having Second Thoughts About Where to Live

More than 70,000 residents and staff members at nursing homes and assisted living facilities have died of COVID-19, and others are under strict rules designed to keep the disease from spreading. That has evoked concern that living in a communal facility could be dangerous.

New Dental Treatment Helps Fill Cavities and Insurance Gaps for Seniors

A new treatment for tooth decay is cheaper, quicker and less painful than getting a filling. Originally touted as a solution for kids, silver diamine fluoride is poised to become a game changer for treating cavities in older adults or those with disabilities that make oral care difficult.

Why Black Aging Matters, Too

Older Blacks are perishing quietly, out of sight, victims of the pandemic and a lifetime of racism and its attendant adverse health effects.

Is Cuomo Directive to Blame for Nursing Home COVID Deaths, as US Official Claims?

New York’s governor directed nursing homes to take COVID patients. But is it fair to say he “forced” them to do so, or that his directive led to the deaths of thousands of elderly residents? Most public health experts say no.

Is Cuomo Directive to Blame for Nursing Home COVID Deaths, as US Official Claims?

New York’s governor directed nursing homes to take COVID patients. But is it fair to say he “forced” them to do so, or that his directive led to the deaths of thousands of elderly residents? Most public health experts say no.

We Put Off Planning, Until My Father-in-Law’s Medical Crisis Took Us by Surprise

Although the family patriarch did not face a life-threatening emergency, the episode was a reminder that you have to prepare for a real crisis.

Isolation, Disruption and Confusion: Coping With Dementia During a Pandemic

COVID-19 has upended the lives of people with dementia, limiting their interactions with others and complicating matters for their caregivers.

Bereaved Families Are ‘the Secondary Victims of COVID-19’

New research suggests the pandemic’s deaths are taking an enormous toll on surviving family members and worrisome ripple effects may linger for years.