Category: Obesity

Unveiling the game-changing diabetic drugs: Revolutionizing weight loss and diabetes management

The drug representative had a smug look; she knew she had a winner. She didn’t need to sell anything—the American public had already bought the story. There are very few drugs in history where patients are excited about the conversation and want …

Obesity increased over COVID-19: Here’s why patients are worried

Millions of Americans are more worried than ever about obesity. And millions are willing to consider weight-loss methods they never had before, including metabolic and bariatric surgery and anti-obesity medications. The reason: a pandemic that put thos…

Childhood obesity in the U.S.: a growing health crisis affecting millions and demanding action from pediatric health care practitioners

Childhood obesity has become a health crisis in the U.S. across all socioeconomic levels. CDC statistics from 2017 through 2020 indicate the following for children and adolescents ages two through 19: Obesity prevalence was 19.7 percent and affected ab…

Lose Weight, Gain Huge Debt: NY Provider Has Sued More Than 300 Patients Who Had Bariatric Surgery

The private equity-backed practice has been known to demand more than $100,000 in charges or penalties. One patient is fighting back.

How to make small changes for big weight loss wins [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we talk with family physician Heather Awad about how to be an example of what’s possible for your patients on their weight loss journey. Heather shares her experience…

Why weight loss drugs are not the answer to obesity

Drugs that cause weight to melt away sound more tempting than chocolate cake, but weight loss drugs won’t cure obesity. And that’s OK, because obesity isn’t a disease to be cured. Obesity is just a risk factor for more important risk …

How Have Costs Associated With Obesity Changed Over Time?

This analysis finds that, among people with large employer health plans, those with an obesity diagnosis on average have higher total and out-of-pocket spending than those without an obesity diagnosis. It also examines the cost of common surgical and p…

Unlocking the secret to successful weight loss: Curiosity is the key

The obesity epidemic is reaching an all-time high. It’s no surprise why – the fitness industry pushing expensive diets and intense workouts, combined with limited access to affordable health care options, makes it difficult for people to ma…

Breaking the cycle of childhood obesity

Every specialty has its burden, and pediatric endocrinology’s is obesity. Primary care providers refer because they or the child’s parents suspect the cause is hormonal. It almost never is. The overly adipose child invariably has, using old…

The holistic solution to obesity: Addressing mind, body, and behaviors for lasting weight loss

Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro. These names have entered our common parlance within the last year via news articles, television stories, and celebrity exposes. Everyone from Hollywood to your neighbor seems to be on medication for weight loss or trying to f…