Category: Public Health

Hot Spots Where Covid Vaccination Lags Push Experimental Antibody Treatment

Governors in Southern states, amid a surge of delta-variant infections, are rushing to provide an experimental antibody cocktail therapy, even as they oppose measures like mask mandates and vaccine passports that health officials say can prevent infection in the first place.

Vaccinations key to controlling pandemic by spring, Fauci says

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Federal team sent to Alabama hospital overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients

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COVID-19 surge updates by region

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Readers and Tweeters Ponder Vaccines and Points of Fairness

Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.

Readers and Tweeters Ponder Vaccines and Points of Fairness

Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.

As Temperatures Rise, So Do the Health Risks for California’s Farmworkers

Workers who harvest crops ranging from grapes to cauliflower in the Coachella Valley are accustomed to temperatures well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This summer the thermometer has already hit 122, and heatstroke is becoming more common.

As Temperatures Rise, So Do the Health Risks for California’s Farmworkers

Workers who harvest crops ranging from grapes to cauliflower in the Coachella Valley are accustomed to temperatures well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This summer the thermometer has already hit 122, and heatstroke is becoming more common.

Pandemic Unveils Growing Suicide Crisis for Communities of Color

Suicides have risen among Black, Hispanic and other communities of color during covid. But the rates were already escalating before the pandemic struck.

Daily COVID-19 cases up 1,042% from 2021 low: 11 CDC stats to know

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