Category: Public Health

Fútbol, Flags and Fun: Getting Creative to Reach Unvaccinated Latinos in Colorado

A vaccine clinic came to an international soccer tournament in Denver recently. It was an attempt to reach Latino Coloradans, whose vaccination rates trail those of non-Hispanic whites.

Influx of Medical School Students Could Overwhelm Montana Resources, Program Leaders Warn

Leaders of a regional medical school program in Montana say two proposed medical schools could create a flood of students they worry will strain the clinical faculty and resources in the state they use for training.

Red State, Blue State, Twin Outbreak: Behind Wyoming and Colorado’s Anomalous Covid Spikes

Statistics show that Colorado residents are much more likely than Wyoming residents to be vaccinated against covid. Yet both Wyoming and Colorado were among the top 12 states with the highest covid case rates at the beginning of July. A closer look at a pair of similarly sized counties in those states helps explain why.

Teen Volunteers Get a Foot in the Door for Nursing Home Careers

A group of New York senior living facilities offer teens from 10 underserved schools the chance to volunteer and get free training for entry-level health jobs, career coaching and assistance on college prep.

California Takes a Nibble at Offering Food Stamps to Undocumented Immigrants

Food insecurity soared during the pandemic, including among unauthorized immigrants, who are not eligible for federally funded food stamps. California’s Democratic lawmakers want to expand the benefit to that population, but opponents cite the massive ongoing cost to the state.

COVID-19 origins may never be clear, bat scientists say

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review – Healthcare News

Mississippi asks vulnerable populations to avoid indoor gatherings for two weeks

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review – Healthcare News

Breathalyzers for COVID-19? Scientists say it’s possible

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review – Healthcare News

Why We May Never Know Whether the $56,000-a-Year Alzheimer’s Drug Actually Works

It could take years for follow-up studies to prove Aduhelm slows the disease — or doesn’t. Meanwhile, its maker will profit.

Biden Is Caught in the Middle of Polarizing Abortion Politics

The president, one of the last of a disappearing group of politicians who sought moderate compromises on abortion policy, is frustrating supporters. They wanted faster changes in federal rules. But abortion opponents — including Catholic bishops— are also taking him to task.