Category: Public Health

US renews public health emergency

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Daily COVID-19 deaths pass 4K; 50+ UK variant cases confirmed in US — 5 updates

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How will coronavirus variants affect the US? 6 considerations

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The synergy in obesity and cancer

Over two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese, and approximately 88 million American adults have pre-diabetes. More than 84 percent of those with pre-diabetes are not even aware that they have it. Both obesity and type 2 diabet…

As the Vulnerable Wait, Some Political Leaders’ Spouses Get Covid Vaccines

Spouses of governors and federal leaders are getting early access to scarce doses of covid-19 vaccines. Some officials have argued their inoculation sets an example for the public and shows the vaccines to be safe and effective. But critics say those doses should go to more vulnerable people first.

Do-It-Yourself Contact Tracing Is a ‘Last Resort’ in Communities Besieged by Covid

Covid-19 cases are spreading so fast that they’re outpacing the contact-tracing capacities of some local health departments. Faced with mounting caseloads, those departments are asking people who test positive for the coronavirus to do their own contact tracing.

50+ UK variant coronavirus cases in US, CDC says

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UK coronavirus variant identified in Connecticut, Texas

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KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Georgia Turns the Senate Blue

Democratic victories in two runoff elections in Georgia will give Democrats control of the Senate starting Jan. 20, which means they will be in charge of both houses of Congress and the White House for the first time since 2010. Meanwhile, covid continues to run rampant while vaccine distribution lags. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Anna Edney of Bloomberg News and Mary Ellen McIntire of CQ Roll Call join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Plus, for extra credit, the panelists recommend their favorite health policy stories of the week they think you should read, too.

Nearly 60% of COVID-19 spread may come from asymptomatic spread, model finds

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