Category: Public Health

The US populations tested most, least for COVID-19

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Recovery guidelines vary widely for COVID-19 patients

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After COVID-19: Doctors Ponder Best Advice As Patients Recover From Coronavirus

Doctors are making decisions about a patient’s recovery with an incomplete understanding of the disease caused by the coronavirus. Although federal officials have issued general guidelines, physicians said they can’t offer recovered patients who aren’t retested any guarantees about whether they could transmit the virus.

Second Time Around? Health Care Issues Trump Might Tackle If Reelected

KHN’s Julie Rovner examines what health care issues the administration might encounter if President Donald Trump wins in November.

COVID-19 is spreading in 72% of US counties, study suggests

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Navy ship in New York will accept COVID-19 patients; California unveils COVID-19 testing task force + 25 other updates from the 6 hardest-hit states

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Young People Weigh Pain Of Job Loss Against Risks Of Virus

Young adults are being hit hard in the COVID-19 economy, but many have mixed feelings about losing jobs that might otherwise put them in harm’s way in the midst of the pandemic.

OIG outlines hospitals’ COVID-19 needs; US death toll nears 10,000 — 5 updates

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COVID-19’s growth speed in 10 cities

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‘You Pray That You Got The Drug.’ Ailing Couple Gambles On Trial For COVID-19 Cure

Josie and George Taylor of Everett, Washington, are two of the first people in the U.S. to recover from novel coronavirus infections after joining a clinical trial for the antiviral drug remdesivir.