Chunka Mui, Contributor

Author's posts

The Happy Talk About Covid-19 Vaccines And Herd Immunity Is Deadly

We need to eradicate the damaging and deadly happy talk that, somehow, the pandemic will be end when a vaccine is approved.

A Moonshot For Diabetes Prevention, Part Five: A Ten Point Plan

A virtuous cycle of more patients, more treatment capacity, better outcomes, better economics, greater awareness, and more coverage is needed to kick the diabetes prevention system into gear.

A Moonshot For Diabetes Prevention, Part Three: The Urgent Goal

Preventing diabetes, to borrow a phrase from President John F. Kennedy, “is a challenge that we should be unwilling to postpone.”

We Need A Moonshot For Diabetes Prevention, Part Two: Three Misconceptions

Robust clinical studies translated into real-world results are shredding the misconceptions that diabetes prevention doesn’t work, is too expensive or takes too long.

We Need A Moonshot For Diabetes Prevention, Part 1 — The Case For Action

Someone in your close circle of family and friends is at high risk for suffering the ravages of diabetes and, most likely, doesn’t even know it. That person might even be you.