Dan Gingiss, Contributor

Author's posts

Veterinarians Go Virtual For Their Feline And Canine Patients

As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on the healthcare industry, doctors and patients have migrated to telemedicine to resolve non-emergency health issues. Even veterinarians are getting in on it.

Why An Aging Population Means Healthcare Customer Experience Must Adapt

People generally living longer and the massive Baby Boomer generation creating the “largest-ever population of older adults in America” has necessitated a level of experience innovation in the healthcare industry that simply has no precedent.

As Healthcare Goes Digital, Consumer Engagement And Experience Improve

The move to digital has been well under way in most other industries, creating an expectation of a consumer experience in which healthcare has fallen behind. After all, today’s competition is every other experience the customer has had recently.

Why Treating Patients As Consumers Can Improve The Healthcare Experience

Healthcare is the fifth-biggest industry in the United States, yet it ranks dead last out of 25 industries for simplicity of experience. Why change is necessary.

4 Terms That Americans Don’t Understand, But The Healthcare Industry Uses Anyway

A survey asked 2,000 Americans to define four common healthcare terms. Only 4% got all four right.