David Carlin, Contributor

Author's posts

The Hidden Pandemic Killing 8 Million A Year And Making COVID-19 Worse

Air pollution causes the deaths of over 8 million people each year. Poor air quality increases the risk of complications from COVID-19. Burning fossil fuels drives global warming and harms global health. It’s time to stop using our atmosphere as a wast…

What Prior Pandemics May Reveal About The Path Of COVID-19 In America

With coronavirus spreading across America, what course will the pandemic take? How bad will things get? Examining prior pandemics offers insights and lessons about what the nation might face in the coming months.

When The Pandemic Struck New York: How To Fight Coronavirus

A deadly virus is racing around the world. As citizens fall ill, leaders desperately search for ways to contain the pandemic. However, they appear powerless to halt its relentless advance. One-hundred years ago, the Spanish Flu killed 50 million. What …