<span itemprop="author">Samoon Ahmad, MD

Author's posts

Misinformation is endemic in our society, but it is not a new problem

Misinformation is endemic in our society, but it is not a new problem. Misinformation passed along with or without an ulterior motive has been around for as long as humans have been communicating. What is new is that digital media allows expertly desig…

Your brain and PTSD: biomarkers and high-stress states

If you’re reading this, you’re probably stressed. Whether it’s related to work, household chores, parenting, school, politics, or, yes, COVID, stress is a normal part of life. Because stress is a normal part of life, our bodies have adapted to react to…

Stuttering: Understanding the neurobiology, psychology, and treatment options

Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by the involuntary disruption of verbal fluency. It is relatively common, with an estimated 55 million people affected by the condition worldwide. For some, the condition can be relatively mild and is barel…

COVID-related stressors and increasing instances of substance abuse

Throughout 2020, the United States has been playing catchup against the coronavirus. As several well-researched articles have noted, lack of appropriate and timely response has been at the forefront and can be attributed to numerous factors including t…

Technological change and mental health: How will the workforce of the future cope with the fourth industrial revolution?

Work is a necessary part of life. More than simply a means to a paycheck, work gives individuals a sense of dignity and accomplishment. Feeling as though one is participating in meaningful work, whether it is contributing to a massive project or an ind…

The widowhood effect and COVID-19: What seniors need to know

The coronavirus has taken a major toll on virtually all aspects of our lives, especially for those of us who live in urban areas. As many others have rightfully pointed out, the dangers of the disease extend well beyond the physical complications cause…