Category: Conditions

Using the COVID experience to build durable relationships with my patients

“As you know, his condition has been worsening dramatically over the past week. He is unable to breathe without the non-rebreather since last night. Today may be a good time for a goodbye visit.” I told the family of my COVID-19 positive patient who wa…

We are again at war with another, unseen, enemy

February 24, 1991, and I wait. I wait on the edge of my cot under the pitched canopy of my far-away canvas home; its sides pulsating from the ever-present wind; sand somehow traversing the walls, everything inside airbrushed a pastel tan; outside the s…

The long months of winter are coming. Will we be ready?

As cases of COVID-19 sore around the nation, the days of New York as the epicenter of the pandemic have become a distant memory for this emergency room doctor. Did the government really once send us refrigerated trucks for our dead and a naval ship for…

The problem with allowing COVID-positive health care workers to continue working

On November 9th, the governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum, decided to allow hospital workers with COVID-19 to continue to come to work. He required that they be asymptomatic and that they only work on COVID-19 wards with COVID-19 patients. Given at-ca…

A reminder of the psychiatry’s sordid past

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” is a quote by George Santayana. It rings true in so many facets of life and medicine. In my career in psychiatry, I have held fast to this treatise. Psychiatry, as a practice, has changed …

We are making sacrifices for you. Please make a sacrifice for us.

I rarely post more than pictures on Facebook. In fact, I rarely use Facebook for much of anything anymore. But I need you all to just listen for a second. I’m scared. For you and for me. I need you all to take a minute and think of the last time …

Thank you pediatric medical professionals, as we fondly bid you adieu

As the mother of a child born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, besides going through four open-heart surgeries and coding, my son has also had eight abdominal surgeries, including a Ladd’s procedure and resection of his colon.  William also functi…

The pedestal that’s killing doctors

Doctors are often called “heroes” – a surprisingly uncomfortable label. Physicians are already tired of being held to a higher standard than the average person; raising the pedestal is problematic. While doctors are compassionate individuals who care a…

What type of tummy tuck is right for you?

You may already be aware of what a tummy tuck is and who should get one. One thing, perhaps, you’re confused about is what kind of tummy tuck would work best for you. If that is correct, worry not. We’ve got you covered. There are several different typ…

5 questions to ask before you have back surgery

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people see their physician and one of the most common causes of missed days at work. Approximately 60% to 80% of adults experience low back pain during their lives, and for 10% of them, the pain lasts for mor…