Category: Conditions

COVID-19 and The Queen’s Gambit: What will be the pandemic’s endgame?

The Queen’s Gambit, a seven-part Netflix series, has been the darling of streaming television during the coronavirus pandemic. Seen by more than 60 million people, the story chronicles the life of fictional chess prodigy Beth Harmon, who grows up in a …

As COVID worsens, don’t forget about the opioid crisis

For the past seven months, an epidemic in our country has spiraled out of control, claiming thousands of lives that could have been saved. It has been met by an inadequate, meandering national response that has often lacked urgency. It has disrupted fa…

Social connectedness, volunteerism, and the remedy for COVID fatigue

The screen of my laptop brightened up as the next patient appeared in time for her telemedicine visit. The attending physician and I smiled and greeted this typically genial 73-year-old woman—let’s call her “Mariana”—as she forced a reciprocal grin. Ma…

A successful COVID vaccine requires more than Warp Speed

“Warp Speed” is a name that does not inspire confidence. It is a politically inspired slogan, not a serious name for a campaign to save lives. It suggests speed, not carefulness. It suggests politics, not science. The success of Warp Speed …

A tale of 2 COVID-19 trials: compassionate use vs. EUA

We all need hope this holiday season, but as an experienced physician, biostatistician, and research methodologist, it is my duty to share why the encouraging vaccine results reported by pharma companies in the last month must be applauded but interpre…

The family super-spreader event: thoughts on a COVID-19 Thanksgiving

It was Black Friday, and as I held her hand, I knew that she would be dead within the hour. My breath was stale inside my N95.  The yellow isolation gown was moist and clingy, and the fogged-up goggles gave me that feeling that I was on an extended dee…

Persistent stressors and resilience: a new way forward for health care communities

A rustling of leaves was heard in the deep underbrush. The hunter froze in place, his fingers stiffening around his bow, poised for attack or flight. He bolted, leaping across the rocks as the cougar emerged, just missing its prey. Not stopping until h…

6 ways to help children navigate the challenges of 2020

One thing we all need right now, especially for our kids, is optimism. Anxiety and uncertainty are part of daily life. Still, there are ways to help children navigate the challenges 2020 has brought us, whether in our own household or our professional …

Alone and frightened is the way COVID patients die

I began my career in psychiatry with the desire to work with dying patients. This is an odd way to begin, but I had begun my career with interest in oncology and eventually discovered the field of psycho-oncology. After graduating, the first population…

COVID-19 and the cruel death of my mother

I am very happy to hear that the CDC decided to prioritize health care workers and long-term care residents to be the first to receive the vaccine for the COVID-19 vaccine.  It is very personal to me as a health care worker and a daughter. My mom was a…