Category: Conditions

A pediatric hematologist explains multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children

The recent pandemic has confined people all over the world to the indoors to try to keep the virus from spreading. Older adults have been the most commonly affected age group with the virus, but more recently, a strange presentation of COVID-19 has bee…

A child psychiatrist’s tips for digital parenting during COVID

Recently, I was part of a virtual panel discussing ways to help kids and teens manage their digital technology use. The audience, parents from around the world, felt blind-sided about how all of this extra time at home has led to significant increases …

A digital vaccination scar for the 21st century

In the 1800s, smallpox ravaged the world.  Fortunately, a vaccine had been developed that could protect individuals.  This vaccine left a scar at the site of injection and identified the individuals as “immune.” As we look towards the future of the COV…

Cause unknown: the burden of diagnosis

Around three weeks ago, my 72-year-old patient, Mr. J., woke up feeling severely short of breath. He felt unusually tired, noticed a dry cough, and felt achy in his arms and legs. Suspicious of COVID-19, he and his wife called an ambulance and went to …

Breaking the rules to give a bit of hope in a desperate situation

Many years ago, I was given a literary award from the Mary Roberts Rinehart Foundation.  It was for $175 and was an encouragement to finish an American Indian novel I was then writing. “Not enough to quit your job,” I remember was a line fr…

The unremitting adventure of COVID recovery 

COVID-19 is taking a toll on my mental well-being in a way I had not expected. I have a rather high distress tolerance. I am a pediatric emergency psychiatrist. Now I am a wounded healer battling anxiety and fears from the constant unknown taking place…

Flattening the curve of COVID’s emotional impact

For weeks, our health care workforce has been on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic staring straight at mortality – their patients and their own.  They have been single-mindedly focused on the task at hand, doing what needs to be done while …

Back to school in the pandemic era

As of May 17, 2020, there are approximately 1.5 million documented cases of COVID-19 in the United States. Of those infected, 90,000 have died. The current population of the United States is estimated to be 331 million. This means COVID-19 infections h…

Is everyone anxious? The mental toll of the pandemic.

The chart for the first patient of the morning states, “elevated blood pressure for two weeks.” As I enter the room, I see a frail, elderly woman perched gingerly in the chair. She has on large sunglasses and a fabric mask. She looks apprehensive, so I…

Charting in uncharted territory: Scribing during COVID-19

On Friday, March 27, 2020, California went on lockdown in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. It changed every Californian’s life, including my own. As the newly appointed chief scribe, the possibility that I would be jobless by the time Monday ro…