Category: Conditions

ECMO spotlight: Expanding access for improved survival rates

The recent coverage of ECMO by the Wall Street Journal has shone a spotlight on a therapy that, despite its decades-long existence, remains relatively obscure and underutilized. While the article thoughtfully delved into the ethical considerations surr…

Legacy of a #1 party school: college alcohol abuse today

In 2009, the famed NPR radio series This American Life aired an episode that would forever change how we looked at college life. “#1 Party School” featured Penn State University and shed light on the rampant alcohol abuse in higher educatio…

When medical protocol meets family concerns

An excerpt from 2060. Willis murmured, “Not again.” He approached his mother, who was lying in bed with an uneaten tray of food on the bedside table. A stream of drool collected on her gown as she slumped to the right. “Mom.” Wi…

Emergency department burnout: a cry for change

It’s a busy day in the emergency department. The waiting room is full, and we are short-staffed. I just read an email from administration that morning about how our treat and release times are “slipping,” and in the same breath, they …

What we have to gain from weight loss drugs

Twenty years ago, the headlines were grim. It was common for studies to warn: “Rising childhood obesity will decrease life expectancy.” In large part, those predictions came true. The rise in obesity – both in children and adults – has corr…

Medical ethics dilemma: a hemodialysis decision

An excerpt from The Committee Will Kill You Now. “You couldn’t get her niece to budge on the hemodialysis decision?” Harper sank into the resident lounge’s threadbare couch and kicked up her feet. “Nope.” Noah slumpe…

The power of bibliotherapy to heal

We are in the midst of an alarming global mental health crisis. Its impact is felt most acutely by our youth. Nearly 20 percent of children ages 3-17 in the U.S. have a mental health issue, and suicidal behaviors among high school students increased mo…

A life-changing illness started with a popcorn kernel and just-in-case treatment

My decade-long struggle began with a tiny piece of popcorn hull stuck under my gum, which led to a visit to the dentist and an antibiotic, prescribed just in case that persistent irritation behind a tooth was an infection. The antibiotic, clindamycin, …

Encountering a gentle soul amidst stomach cancer

It was the final hour of my shift, and I was cleaning up for my colleague who would be taking over. Glancing at the clock, I decided I could see one of the “easy” fast-track patients just to help offload the board a bit. I figured he wasn&#…

A surprising acne rosacea remedy

I have typically managed my mild case of acne rosacea (AR) with affordable over-the-counter (OTC) medications, but there has always been a residual redness that bothered me. Recently, while reading about Demodex, microscopic mites that live on the face…