Category: Conditions

Alcohol’s impact: hangovers and health risks

In July, we all got at least one day off to celebrate a very American holiday, Independence Day. If I were a betting man, I would say that many, if not most of you, participated in at least one of those grand old American pastimes: eating hotdogs or ap…

Why health care professionals must back full care continuum for autism and intellectual disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that health care entities provide full and equal access for people with disabilities. Physicians must diagnose and treat such individuals, even though they receive little or no training in medical scho…

A breakthrough in chronic pain detection?

Recently, a group of researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, reported that they may have found the holy grail of pain management. They accomplished this by performing “the first-in-human, long-term direct brain measurement of …

Challenges faced by patients with mast cell disorders

As an allergist/immunologist, the spectrum of mast cell disorders, including mastocytosis, idiopathic anaphylaxis, chronic hives, and angioedema, is not a new concept. That said, in recent years, we have seen an uptick in patients presenting with a spe…

Dealing with medical abandonment, neglect, and errors

How should a patient deal with medical patient abandonment? A Japanese saying is, “It is better to fix the problem than to blame.” This invites a learning and growth opportunity for those with less knowledge and experience. Based on this, l…

A patient’s resilience and the challenge of dialysis

After she developed a serious complication, she wanted to know the facts plainly stated. I told her the treatment would change her quality of life; it would be hard but doable. To this, she replied, “Now, don’t bullsh*t me, I don’t li…

Essential caregiver roles and self-care tips

An excerpt from A Caregiver’s Love Story. Many people will become caregivers in their lifetime, or on the other hand, may need one. A “caregiver” is anyone who gives basic assistance and cares for someone who might be ill, disabled, o…

Fruit and sugar: Debunking the myths

On many occasions, patients have asked me whether it’s OK to eat fruit. They’re worried about whether they should be eating foods high in sugar. Is fruit in that category? No, it is not. Does anyone really believe that fruit is what’s…

COVID vaccines and weight loss medications: a tale of 2 needles

I am perplexed by two different needles which, when viewed together, illustrate the irrational themes which dominate our shared humanity. They inform me that, despite being a doctor for more than twenty years, I honestly feel dumber each day about huma…

I’m a neurosurgeon. Social media may change your kid’s brain.

A 2023 study of middle school-aged children laid out some alarming findings. Scientists recruited more than one hundred and fifty children, all aged twelve, from rural North Carolina public schools. The children were surveyed regarding their social med…